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Hypotheses Concerning Living Systems | James Grier Miller

Towards a general theory of living systems, we should be looking beyond the singletons of a hierarchical level, i.e. (i) cell, (ii) organ, (iii) organism, (iv) group, (v) organization, (vi) community, (vii) society, and (viii) supranational level.

In a scientific approach, James Grier Miller created a list of hypotheses.  In the 1100+ page book, the hypotheses were not proved or disproved.  However, reviewing some of the hypotheses presents interesting questions as to whether an espoused systems thinker is actually sweeping in knowledge across multiple types of systems, or just reducing scope to a single system or type of system.

In this chapter I focus attention on hypotheses which apply to two or more levels of systems, because of their powerful generality. These are more than propositions of systems theory: they are general systems theoretical hypotheses. Several of the assertions I have made in my fundamental statement of general living systems theory in the preceding two chapters are, of course, cross-level hypotheses or propositions of this sort. Such, for instance, is the assertion that all living systems which survive have all the critical subsystems, or are parasitic upon or symbiotic with systems which do (see page 32).  [….]

Of the hypotheses stated below, some are probably true for all levels, some only for certain levels, some only if modified, and others are probably false. For some the question is: Is it true or false? For others the question is: Does it apply at a given level? [p. 90]

Miller does append a level of confidence to whether the hypothesis is true, or not.

A good many representative cross-level hypotheses are presented briefly below. Each is worth consideration for its own sake. My personal confidence that a given proposition could be shown to be true and relevant to two or more levels is indicated by a letter in parentheses after each hypotheses, as follows: (H) means it is high; (M) means medium; and (L) means low. [p. 92]

For a detailed explanation of each hypothesis, readers should consult the book directly.  The items that are most basic, and then somewhat interesting, follow.

On structure  (in section 1, that we can read as arrangement in space):

Those hypotheses, above, could be applied in a differentiation between complex structures (with multiple echelons) and complicated structures (of many components).

On process  (in section 2, that we can read as arrangement in time):

These hypotheses could be useful in distinguishing between a living system that has processes, multiple living systems that might be misrepresented as aggregated, and non-living systems.

Turning to subsystems (in section 3), there no hypotheses about the reproducer.  Either Miller thought that systems at different hierarchical levels reproduce in specific ways, or had not yet developed any testable hypotheses.

Relationships amongst subsystems or components (in section 4) has 3 hypothesis rated with low (L) confidence.  I’ll skip those.

Systems processes are in section 5.  I’ll skip over 5.1 (Process relationships between inputs and outputs) that are mostly about functioning within normal ranges.

Adjustment processes among subsystems or components, used in maintaining variables in steady states (in section 5.2) are more interesting.

These hypotheses, above, are all about how living systems handle stress and strain.

I will skip over some hypothesis on how multiple components work together, and then “17 hypotheses [related] to the adjustment of conflicts” that speak more to goals and purposes.

Also “Growth, cohesiveness, and integration” in section 5-4, I will skip

Pathology (in section 5.5) has two items:

These pathologies remind us that Miller’s research was in behavioral science, as the science of psychology was on the rise, separate from medicine.

Decay and termination, as section 5.6 (the last, before Miller transitions on suggesting how researchers might proceed), says that when a system ceases to exist, it becomes part of the suprasystem.

Having spent some time reading the writings of James Grier Miller, I might have missed a distinct distinction between a living system and a non-living system.  However, termination would suggest a living system that is no longer alive.


Miller, James Grier. 1978. “Hypotheses Concerning Living Systems.” In Living Systems, 89–119. McGraw-Hill.

Figure 1-1 A generalized living system interacting and intercommunicating with two others in its environment


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