Systems Thinking, Systems Design

Day 2

Time and place:

  • Wednesday,  January 17, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Bissell 417

2.1 Preparation

For all class participants, spend no more than 2 hours reading from a selection in each of the clusters.  If you don't like what you're reading, move on!

2.1.1 Cluster 1:  Object Process Methodology

Recommended articles

Recommended book chapters

Recommended multimedia

2.1.2 Cluster 2:  Dialogue Mapping

Recommended articles

Recommended book chapters

Recommended multimedia

2.2 Presenter-facilitator Groups 1 and 2

Prepare slides or materials to lead the class, with suggested content as:

  • How is the approach used (in one or two example system(s), close to your research interests)?
  • What are the basics of the approach?
  • Why would you use (or not use) this approach (over another approach)?
  • When and where would you use (or not use) this approach?
  • Which points about the approach are unclear, and would benefit from deeper inquiry?

If you have questions, you can consult with the instructor!

2.3 Classroom activities

1:00 - 1:15 Discussion on blogs from the previous class
1:15 - 2:15 Group 1 presents and facilitates discussion on Object Process Methodology
2:15 - 2:30 Instructor fills in on ambiguities
2:30 - 2:45 Break
2:45 - 3:45 Group 2 presents and facilitates discussion on Dialogue Mapping
3:45 - 4:00 Instructor fills in on ambiguities

2.4 Assignments

  • Write an personal appreciation diary log as a blog post, trying to spend no more than 45 minutes.
    • Which 2 or 3 system ideas from today are resonating to change the way you think (and which ones might remain a mystery)?
    • Why are those systems ideas significant in your research, your work and/or your life?
    • Where could you see applying (or avoiding) using these systems approaches?
    • Include 2 or 3 references at the end of your blog post, and use a proper citation style.
  • Post a notification on the Google+ Systems Sciences Community, or on a Blackboard Discussion Board thread.
    • The deadline for posting is the Monday morning, 9 a.m., January 22