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Innovation Learning for Sustainability (SCUD, 2018/04/21)

An invitation as a keynote presenter at the 2018 International Conference on Smart Cities and Urban Design (SCUD) was initiated on a recommendation by Susu Nousala to the program chair WU Jing.  Blending the conference theme with my recent doctoral research, I proposed the topic “Innovation Learning for Sustainability: What’s smarter for urban systems”? For a 30-minute slot, the agenda was covered in three sections:

The first section derived from the history of smarter cities and the cognitive era from IBM, blended with the co-respondence of Tim Ingold.  The second section considered sustainability from an ecological anthropology approach, then service systems and commitments.  The third section drew in the normative framework from Open Innovation Learning.

For streaming, the video is accessible on Youtube.

For offline devices, downloadable audio is available, including a digitally boosted volume version.

April 21
[20180421_SCUD_Ing InnovationLearning.mp3]
[20180421_SCUD_Ing InnovationLearning_3db.mp3]
(volume boosted 3db, 26MB)

For offline viewing, the video files are also downloadable.

Video H.264 MP4 WebM
April 21
[20180421_SCUD_Ing HD m4v]
(HD 2680Kbps 594MB)
[on the Internet Archive]
[20180421_SCUD_Ing nHD m4v]
(nHD 65Kkps 43MB)
[20180421_SCUD_Ing HD webm]
(HD 381Kbps 125MB)

[20180421_SCUD_Ing nHD webm]
(nHD VP9 121MB)

As a keynote speaker to an international conference — especially for an audience where the majority is listening with English as a Second Language — the style of this presentation aims to pace slower than for academic audiences.  The voyage to Wuhan was memorable, as the cast for my Achilles tendon injury had been removed only a few weeks early, so DY was accompanying me as a sherpa.

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