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Systems Thinking: A journey, and some prospects

A system of ideas can be approached through a history of science.  For my annual visit to the Creative Sustainability program, I decided to talk about the context that started me off on systems thinking, and has continued to shape my ongoing research.

The session was conducted as a continuous two-hour lecture.  An abstract was sent in advance:

Learning about systems thinking is a journey. How and what each person learns is different.

In reflection, my appreciation of systems thinking was shaped by the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences meeting in Atlanta, in July 1998. The context was a profession in management consulting in IBM, followed by an assigned to the IBM Advanced Business Institute in Palisades, NY, as the Adaptive Enterprise book was being written by Stephan Haeckel. Some key speakers at ISSS 1998 shaped my perspective on systems thinking, and have continued to have an influence even after 15 years.

The presidency, culminating in the ISSS meeting in 2012 at San Jose led to prospects looking into Service Systems, Natural Systems. Complementary associations have risen over the past few years, including the Systems Sciences Working Group with INCOSE, and the Systemic Design Research Network (conducting Relating Systems Thinking and Design symposiums) with OCAD U. and AHO.

Recent research includes encouragement of a Service Systems Thinking community based on Alexandrian pattern language and open collaborative technologies.

This presentation aims encourage systems thinkers to reflect on their own journeys, and gain awareness of some new prospects for further deepening their knowledge.

Part 1 Audio [20151008_1000_AaltoCS_Ing_SystemsThinkingJourneyProspects.mp3]
(114MB, 1h58m22s)
Part 1 Video (58m06s) nHD
H.264 MP4 [640×360
686kbps m4v] (610MB)
1879bps m4v] (1.7GB)
5273kbps mp4] (4.7GB)
WebM [1280×720
1197kbps webm] (1.1GB)

Some of the attendees at the lecture were challenged to keep up with the flow of ideas.  The slides may be helpful, and the recordings may be better absorbed by using the pause button!

The slides are available on the Coevolving Commons.  The video is available at on Youtube.

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