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Whom, when + where do Systems Changes situate?

Covering practical wisdom (phronesis), the third of four lectures again was compressed for the Systemic Design course in the Master’s program in Strategic Foresight and Innovation at OCAD University. The students in the part-time session on February 7 extended their discussion period longer than those in the full-time session on February 5. I again jumped slides in the sequence to stay within the timebox.

The agenda was in four sections:

The web video can be streamed on Youtube.

Copies of the video files are downloadable for disconnected viewing.

Video H.264 MP4 WebM
February 7
[20200207_OCADU_Ing HD m4v]
(HD 2477kbps 1.6GB)
[20200207_OCADU_Ing nHD m4v]
(nHD 1344kps 866MB)
[20200207_OCADU_Ing HD webm]
(HD VP8 375kbps 349MB)
[20200207_OCADU_Ing nHD webm]
(nHD VP8 139kbps 206MB)

Readers who want to follow through on web link references may want to review the slides directly.

The same presentation slides were used for both lectures.  The questions from the students were considerably different across the class sections, so the diligent listener might want to compare them.  Versions boosted by 3db may make the audience discussion more audible.

February 5
[202002-5_OCADU_Ing ValuesServicesSociotechnical .mp3]
[20200205_OCADU_Ing ValuesServicesSociotechnical plus3db.mp3]
February 7
[2020207_OCADU_Ing ValuesServicesSociotechnical.mp3]
[20200207_OCADU_Ing ValuesServicesSociotechnical plus3db.mp3]

Whereas the second lecture tended to focus outside a system of interest towards other systems of influence, this third lecture oriented more inside the system of interest.

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