Coevolving Innovations

… in Business Organizations and Information Technologies

Reifying Socio-Technical and Socio-Ecological Perspectives for Systems Changes | STPIS | 2024-08-16

The Socio-Technical Systems (STS) perspective, dating back to the studies of Eric L. Trist and Fred E. Emery, was on the reading list of organizational behaviour classes in my undergraduate and master’s degree programs.  It wasn’t until 15 years later, when I got involved with the systems sciences and David L. Hawk, that the Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) perspective became more prominent in my worldview.  This emphasis is likely true for most audiences, where Socio-Technical is prominent, and Socio-Ecological is in the background or out of mind.

For the 10th International Conference on Socio-Technical Perspectives in Information Systems (STPIS’24) scheduled in Jönköping, Sweden, for mid-August,  I was invited to contribute a paper,   My travel plans didn’t take me to the Nordics this summer, so the organizers scheduled me for a remote online presentation.

Since the STPIS workshop has official proceedings, my thinking was mostly on completing a manuscript, that is available as a preprint.   The manuscript reviews the Trist and Emery histories, and then gets philosophical in proposing a shift from mainstream principles into a process-first approach regrounded with a postocolonial bridge to Classical Chinese foundations.  My concern on the short presentation was getting a message across to workshop attendees, with only a short slot.  My colleague Peter Bednar reported what I couldn’t see online.

Dear David, thank you for your amazing and thorough presentation. It was interesting, and deep. I always learn something from your stuff.

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What Can Systems Thinkers Learn From Civic Tech? | Dorothy Eng + Curtis McCord | 2024-05-18

Civic Tech can be described as projects using technology “for the public good“.  Civic Tech may be related to, but different from Gov Tech.

For the May 2024 Systems Thinking Onrtario, we had two knowledgeable guests in conversation.  Dorothy Eng, executive director of Code for Canada since 2021, related her professional journey from engineering to consulting, and Civic Tech Toronto (with a long history of hacknights and speakers).  Curtis McCord was also involved in Civic Tech Toronto, and completed a Ph.D. dissertation on “Civic Participation and Democratic Experience: Civic Tech in Toronto” in the Faculty of Informqtion Studies at the University of Toronto in 2022.  The session was moderated by Zaid Khan, with some familiar regular attendees contributiong viewpoints.

This recording of the conversation is available on Youtube, with an alternate retention on the Internet Archive .

Video H.264 MP4
May 13
[20240513_ST-ON_CivicTech DorothyEng_CurtisMcCord.m4v
(1698×826 906kbps 755MB)
[on the Internet Archive]

For those who prefer just to listne, a standalone audio was also created during the meeting.

May 13
[20240513_ST-ON_CivicTech DorothyEng_CurtisMcCord.m4a]
(128kbps, 89 MB)
[on the Internet Archive]

A short description of the session follows below, with pre-readings linked on the original abstract.

— begin excerpt —

Civic tech is an approach to bettering public services through technology. It has and continues to be expressed in many forms: a movement, mindset, frameworks, service.… Read more (in a new tab)

Resequencing Systems Thinking | U. Hull Centre for Systems Studies | 2024-05-13

On my May trip through the UK, I accepted an offer to lead an Expert-Led Session at the University of Hull.  I had previously been a Research Fellow of the Centre for Systems Studies, but haven’t travelled to the Hull for some years.  As we worked out the arrangements, I found out that the seminar wasn’t just an hour lecture, but a complete afternoon.

The Systems Changes Learning Circle is now in year 6 of an espoused 10-year journey.  The target audience of graduate students and faculty, with the luxury of time for lecturing and discussing, allowed for an extended exposition of our learning on systems changes.  The ouline covered:

  • A. Initiating
  • B. Philosophizing
  • C. Theorizing
  • D. Practising
  • E. Continuing

This series of 4 recordings is available as a playlist on Youtube.  We started off mostly with reviewing slides, and then had progressed to more interactive discussion later in the day.  With the audio recordings, the presentation slides (including movies) were resynchronized as post-production.

This presentation segments are downloadable from this website, as well as from the Internet Archive .

Video May 13, 2024 — H.264 MP4
Part 1
[20240513_1231_UHull_Ing ResequencingSystemsThinking_Part1of4_1203kpbs.m4v]
(HD 1203kbps 573MB)
[on the Internet Archive]
  • 00:00 Welcome by Amanda Gregory
  • 03:15 A. Initiating
  • 09:35 B. Philosophizing
  • 10:52 B1. ↓ Metaphilosophy; ↑ Postcolonial Constructionist
  • 29:53 B2. ↓ Behavioral Structuralist; ↑ Ecological Processualist
  • 38:08 B3. ↓ Progress → Ideals; ↑ (Con)textualism-Dyadicism
  • 56:23 B4. Exercise: ↓ Structure then process; ↑ Process then structure
Part 2
[20240513_1350_UHull_Ing ResequencingSystemsThinking_Part2of4_0968kbps.m4v
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Citation rankings for some systems thinkers

I’ve been checking on the breadth of some personal research on systems thinkers.  (The list is incomplete, and may orient more towards systems scientists).  Searching on Scopus gives an h-Index that counts scholarly references (with a boost, for the first person on the list who received a Nobel prize in chemistry).

The list below is sorted first on h-index, and then the number of citations.

For me, there were a few surprises.  Others may be less surprised.

Author Documents Citations h-index
Prigogine, Ilya R. 237 9,629 50
Holling, Crawford S. 66 27,402 38
Midgley, Gerald 83 2,948 33
Checkland, Peter B. 47 3,425 27
Jackson, Michael C. 76 2,716 26
Odum, Howard T. 55 4,579 24
Ackoff, Russell L. 68 2,411 23
Wiener, Norbert 72 3,758 22
Rosen, Robert 93 1,624 21
Senge, Peter M. 34 2,186 18
Lewin, Kurt 39 9,566 17
Boulding, Kenneth E. 79 2,074 16
Trist, Eric L. 21 4,537 15
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas 27 1,013 15
von Bertalanffy, Ludwig 35 3,285 14
Bateson, Gregory 22 962 12
Miller, James Grier 20 562 11
Meadows, Donella H. 14 684 8
Beer, Stafford 29 250 8
Emery, Frederick E. 20 2,011 7
Ashby, W. Ross 15 671 6
Churchman, C. West 23 104 5

The h-index is supposed to be better in comparing researchers in the same field.  Citations may or may not be better in the systems sciences, where we have a chemist alongside some economists.… Read more (in a new tab)

Yinyang and Daojia into Systems Thinking through Changes | EQ Lab Dialogic Drinks | 2024-05-02/03

Reading a theorist who espouses the dao (tao) in their systems work?  Here’s a challenge:  is the writer referring to daojia, or daojiao?

  • Daojiao 道教 is religious daoism, gaining legitimacy only with the Tang dynasty (712-758 CE), after many centuries with the religion of Confucianism as dominant.
  • Classical Chinese philosophy is hard to interpret even by Chinese literati, because standardized writing didn’t occur until the Qin dynasty, circa 221 BCE.
  • Daojia 道家 is philosophical daoism, associated with the DaoDeJing (translated as the “Classic of the Way, and the Classical of Virtue”, also known as the Laozi, dating back to 300-400 BCE.
  • During the Eastern Zhou dynasty (771-256 BCE), there were six philosophical lineages, including the Yinyang School.
    • According to Sima Tan, the six philosophical lineages were (i) Yinyang; (ii) Confucian; (iii) Mohist; (iv) Legalist; (v) Schoolf of Names; and (vi) Daoist

Yinyang and daojia are considerably older than daojiao.  The Systems Changes Learning Circle is most interested in philosophy of science, with a concrete application in Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM).  Yinyang is foundational in CCM, and religion doesn’t enter into the science of medicine, unless the inquirer wants to delve into the question of “what is nature”?

After the EQ Lab session of Dialogic Drinks, in April on “From Unfreezing-Refreezing, to Systems Changes Learning“, I challenged myself to see if I could create an presentation on Chinese philosophy of science that might be understandable to those of us trained in the Western sciences. … Read more (in a new tab)

Incremental Adaptation or Generational Shift? | Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 | 2024-04

As the book on Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 was taking shape in March 2023, I was invited not only to serve as an editor, but also to contribute as an author. The edited volume is the final deliverable for the In4act project centered at the  KTU School of Economics and Business in Kaunas, Lithuania that completed in December 2023.  As the project was winding down, a roundtable discussion with some of the researchers was released.

Industry 4.0 was announced by the European Parliament in 2015, with the funding for research into the impact on management practices and economics following in October 2018.  The EU announcement of Industry 5.0 during 2020 raised questions amongst researchers about how to handle the increased emphasis on human centricity.  Then in fall 2022, the rise of Generative AI with the release of ChatGPT captured the attention of leaders, worldwide.

As a contributor coming from Canada, outside the EU, my research in systems changes provoked a question as to the meaning of 4.0 and 5.0.  While the Industrial Revolution is conventionally regarded as 1.0, there’s a divergence on numberings used around the world. This led me to ask:  what might we learn if we framed a transition from Industry 0.0 to Industry 1.0 and compared to that?  Here’s the abstract.

As Industry 4.0 matures, what’s next? A generational shift to 5.0? Or an incremental adaptation to 4.x? Systems changes may involve both Socio-Technical Systems (STS) changes and Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) changes.

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    • Jan 09, 2025, 06:02 January 9, 2025
      Web recording of "Generative AI and Inquiring Systems: Ways of Patterning and Ways of Knowing" from #SystemsThinking Ontario. Leisurely dialogue and live challenge demos with ChatGPT, Copilot, Claude, Mistral LeChat, NotebookLM, Perplexity.
    • Dec 31, 2024, 01:15 December 31, 2024
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