Publication Date | Publication Title | Author(s) | Form |
February 2025 | Pacing Changes: Elevating the when+where in living systems" [view presentation slides] |
David Ing | Lecture for Department of Design, York University, Toronto |
February 2025 | "Rethinking Work, with the Pandemic Disruption: Metatheorizing with world hypotheses and systems changes" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing and Susu Nousala | Article in International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior |
January 2025 | "Systems Approaches" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at OCADU SFIN-6011 "Understanding Systems" |
January 2025 | "Generative AI and Inquiring Systems: Ways of Patterning and Ways of Knowing" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at Systems Thinking Ontario |
August 2024 | "Reifying Socio-Technical and Socio-Ecological Perspectives for Systems Changes: From rearranging objects to repacing rhythms" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | Article in Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Socio-Technical Perspectives in IS (STPIS’24) |
June 2024 | "Resequencing Systems Thinking: Practising, Theorizing and Philosophizing as Systems Changes Learning, at Year 6 of 10" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | Presentation at 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Washington, DC |
May 2024 | "Resequencing Systems Thinking: Practising, Theorizing and Philosophizing as Systems Changes Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | Expert Led Session for Centre for System Studies, University of Hull, UK |
April 2024 | "Yinyang and Daojia into Systems Thinking through Changes" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for a EQ Lab, Dialogic Drinks |
April 2024 | "Incremental Adaptation or Generational Shift?" [view abstract and eBook] |
David Ing | chapter in Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Explorations in the Transition from a Techno-economic to a Socio-technical Future |
March 2024 | "Systems Changes Dialogues on Social Innovation" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for a Centre for Social Innovation |
March 2024 | "From Unfreezing-Refreezing, to Systems Changes Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for a EQ Lab, Dialogic Drinks |
January 2024 | "Reframing Systems Thinking for Systems Changes: Sciencing and Philosophizing from Pragmatism towards Processes as Rhythms" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing + Gary S. Metcalf |
article published in Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences |
September 2023 | "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms" [view abstract, article under 24-month embargo] |
David Ing | article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Sciences |
July 2023 | "Sciencing and Philosophizing on Threads in Systems Thinking: Tracing through the texture of the socio-technical and socio-ecological perspectives" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing + Gary S. Metcalf | discussion at Systems Thinking Ontario |
February 2023 | "Systems Changes Learning: Recasting and reifying rhythmic shifts for doing, alongside thinking and making" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article published in The Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Information |
January 2023 | "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article published in Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences |
October 2022 | "Reifying Systems Thinking towards Changes: Rhythmic Shifts, (Con)Texture, and Propensity amongst Living Systems" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for a Universitat de Barcelona Graduate Programmes in Business |
October 2022 | "Knowing Better via Systems Thinking: Traditions and Contemporary Approaches" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for a Universitat de Barcelona Business School, International Operations Management class |
July 2022 | "When Unfreeze-Move-Refreeze Isn’t Working: Doing, Thinking, and Making via Systems Changes Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for a Virtual Open Meeting of SCiO - Systems and Complexity in Organisation |
July 2022 | "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | plenary presentation for the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences |
March 2022 | "Systems Thinking through Changes" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for the Canadian Digital Service , in collaboration with Code for Canada |
January 2022 | "Living, Becoming, Process Philosophy: Systems Thinking in Time" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | discussion at Systems Thinking Ontario |
November 2021 | "Progress on Systems Changes Learning: Coevolving towards Rethinking Systems Thinking" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at CSRP Institute Symposium, Brussels, Belgium |
November 2021 | "Friends or Foes: Theory of Change, Systemic Design (Thinking), Systems Changes Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
Zaid Khan + David Ing | dialogue session at Relatioing Systems and Design (RSD) 10, TU Delft |
August 2021 | "Normal Accidents, High Reliability, Wicked Messes" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | discussion at Systems Thinking Ontario |
October 2020 | "Theoretical Grounds, Pragmatic Grounds: Methods for Reordering our Priorities through Systems Changes Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | discussion at the 84th meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario |
March 2020 | "How do Systems Changes become natural practice? History-making, commitment, argumentation + pattern language" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto |
February 2020 | "Conversation guide to Gareth Morgan (2006) Images of Organization" [view abstract and handout] |
David Ing | conversation guide for SystemsThinkingTO (Meetup), Toronto |
February 2020 | "Whom, when + where do Systems Changes situate? Value(s), services and socio-technical affirming phronesis" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto |
January 2020 | "Why (Intervene in) Systms Changes? Errors, Attention and Traps through an Ecological Understanding" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto |
January 2020 | "Are Systems Changes Different from System + Change? Recasting and reifying systems thinking with theory of change" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto |
December 2019 | "Ecology and Economy: Systems Changes Ahead?" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article published in WEI Magazine |
March 2019 | "Systems Changes: Cultures and families over time" [view abstract and presentation] |
David Ing | presentation, at Tongji Huangpu School |
March 2019 | "Systems Changes: Errors and Breakdowns; Approaches; Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto |
February 2019 | "Systems Changes: Learning from the Christopher Alexander Legacy [view session description and discussion slides] |
David Ing | discussion slides for Systems Thinking Ontario, Toronto, Canada |
January 2019 | "Systems Changes: A Call for Participation" [view session description and discussion slides] |
David Ing | discussion slides for Systems Thinking Ontario, Toronto, Canada |
November 2018 | "Systemic design agendas in education and design research: A report and reflections on the RSD5 Symposium workshop" [view abstract and article] |
Susu Nousala, David Ing and Peter Jones | article published in Formakademisk |
October 2018 | "Narrating Wholeness: Pattern Language Generating Semi-Lattice(s), System(s), and/or Holon(s)" [view abstract, (presentation), and article] |
David Ing | workshop (presentation to come) and position paper for the 10th PUARL (Portland Urban Architecture Research Lab) Conference 2018 |
October 2018 | "Wicked problems, systems approach, pattern language, ecological epistemology, hierarchy theory, interactive value: Multiparadigm inquiry generating service systems thinking" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article in Proceedings of the PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Volume 3 |
October 2018 | "Representing Generative Wholeness with Pattern Language" [view abstract, (presentation), and article] |
David Ing | focus session (presentation to come) and position paper for the 25th PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programes) Conference 2018 |
July 2018 | "A Systems Approach on Social Enterprise" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | workshop for the Agents of Change accelerator program, Centre for Social Innovation, Toronto, Ontario |
May 2018 | "Evolving Pattern Language towards an Affordance Language" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at IBM Research Almaden, San Jose, California |
April 2018 | "Innovation Learning for Sustainability: What is smarter for urban systems?" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | keynote presentation at International Conference on Smart Cities and Urban Design (SCUD 2018), Wuhan, PR China |
March 2018 | "Architecting for Wicked Messes: Towards an affordance language for service systems" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto |
February 2018 | "Wicked problems, IBIS, and a timeline of parallel systems thinking" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at SystemsThinkingTO S2E2, Toronto |
February 2018 | "Book Launch: Open Innovation Learning" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at 54th monthly meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario, OCAD University |
January 2018 | "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Course Introduction" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture for Information Workshop INF1005H, section 0105 (winter 2018), University of Toronto Faculty of Information (iSchool) |
January 2018 | "Negotiating Order with Generative Pattern Language: Retrospective on a PLoP 2017 workshop and discussion" [view abstract and proceedings paper] |
David Ing | presentation, plus article in review for Proceedings of PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programming) Conference 2017 |
December 2017 | "Systems Thinking, Service Systems, Affordance Pattern Language" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture for "Business Co-Evolution and Change of Behavior Culture", HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland |
November 2017 | "Wicked Problems, Affordances, Service Systems: Some perspectives for designing" [view abstract and presentation] |
David Ing | Public lecture, Tongji University, College of Design and Innovation |
November 2017 | "Systems Thinking and Wicked Problems" [view abstract and presentation] |
David Ing | presentation, at Tongji Huangpu School |
October 2017 | "Negotiating Order with Generative Pattern Language: A workshop at PLoP 2017" [view abstract and presentation] |
David Ing | presentation, plus outline for discussion at Proceedings of PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programming) Conference 2017 |
October 2017 | "Exploring the Context of Pattern Languages: A dialogue on the world around Christopher Alexander" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | workshop presentation for PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Conference 2017 |
October 2017 | "Wicked problems, systems approach, pattern language, ecological epistemology, hierarchy theory, interactive value: Multiparadigm inquiry generating service systems thinking" [view abstract, presentation and article] |
David Ing | presentation, plus article in review for Proceedings of the PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Conference 2017 |
August 2017 | "Open Innovation Learning and Open Data" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at Open Data Häme, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland |
March 2017 | "Innovation Learning and Open Sourcing: Internet-of-Things + Cloud Platforms + Cognitive Computing" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at The 10th International Systems Sciences Symposium, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
March 2017 | "Service Systems Thinking: Reflecting on acts of representation" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture at Understanding Systems and Systemic Design, Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCAD University, Toronto, Ontario Canada |
February 2017 | "Some Future Paths for Design Professionals: DesignX and Systemic Design [view article] | Susu Nousala, David Ing and Peter Jones | article from proceedings of the Relating Systems Thinking and Design 5 symposium, OCAD University |
December 2016 | "Service Systems Thinking with Generative Pattern Language" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture in Industrial Management, Master's Program, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland |
October 2016 | "Pattern Manual for Service Systems Thinking: A proposal for discussion" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | presentation, plus article in review for Proceedings of the 2016 International PUARL Conference |
October 2016 | "Curriculum Making for Trito Learning: Wayfaring along a meshwork of systems thinking" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing + Susu Nousala | presentation at RSD5 Symposium Relating Systems Thinking and Design |
March 2016 | "Service Systems and the Systems Sciences" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at Wuhan University of Technology, People's Republic of China |
March 2016 | "Prospects for Service Systems: From Smarter to Cognitive" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at The 9th International Systems Sciences Symposium 2016: Translational Systems Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
February 2016 | "Systems Coevolving: Sciences, Service, Smarter, Cognitive" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at the Urban Systems course, Aalto Built Environment Laboratory, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland |
February 2016 | "Systemic Thinking 2" [view course content] [view reflections] [view student completion artifacts] |
David Ing | open courseware for a systems thinking course in the master's programme in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University |
October 2015 | "Systems Thinking: A journey, and some prospects" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at the Master's Program in Creative Sustainability, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland |
October 2015 | "Service Systems Thinking: An introduction" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | lecture in Industrial Management, Master's Program, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland |
July 2015 | "Service Systems Thinking: From Environmental Structure to a New Generative Pattern Language" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Conference, Danube University Krems, Austria |
February 2015 | "Unfolding values in places, spaces and paces: Service systems thinking and architectural theory" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at Open Symposium on Service Systems Science 2015: Network Digital Revolution, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
January 2015 | "From Environmental Structure to Service Systems Thinking: Wholeness with Centers Described with a Generative Pattern Language" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article in Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs |
December 2014 | "Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking" [view article] |
David Ing | article published in FORMakademisk |
October 2014 | "An Invitation to Service Systems Thinking: Collaborating on a New Generative Pattern Language" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for Relating Systems Thinking and Design 3, AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) |
September 2014 | "From Environmental Structure to Service Systems Thinking: Wholeness with Centers Described with a Generative Pattern Language" (manuscript) [view abstract and manuscript] |
David Ing | manuscript for discussion at for Pattern Languages of Programming Conference 2014, Monticello, IL |
July 2014 | "Incubating Service Systems Thinking: New frames for collaborating on a pattern language for service systems (slides and video)" [view abstract presentation slides, and video] |
David Ing | presentation slides and video for the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Washington, DC (a 20-minute excerpt was previewed at the 2nd International Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering, Krakow, Poland) |
June 2014 | "Incubating Service Systems Thinking: New frames for collaborating on a pattern language for service systems (workshop)" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for INCOSE International Symposium, Las Vegas, NV |
May 2014 | "Scenario-Buffered Design" [view presentation slides] |
Gerard Drenth, Daniel Grönquist, Peter Hesserdahl, David Ing, Naomi Stanford, Felix Werle | presentation slides from group work at Oxford Futures Forum 2014. |
April 2014 | "Systems Thinking and Social Relations" [view session description and discussion slide ] |
David Ing | discussion slide for Systems Thinking Ontario, Toronto, Canada |
January 2014 | "A Proposal for Collaboration on a Pattern Language for Service Systems Science" [view presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation slides from Systems Science Working Group INCOSE International Workshop |
December 2013 | "Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking" [view article] |
David Ing | article from proceedings of the Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2 conference, AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) |
November 2013 | "Editorial: Service Systems, Natural Systems -- Sciences in Synthesis" [view abstract and preprint] |
David Ing and Jennifer Wilby | article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
November 2013 | "Service Science: Reframing Progress with Universities" [view abstract and preprint] |
Jim Spohrer, Alessio Giuiusa, Haluk Demirkan, and David Ing | article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
October 2013 | "Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and Coevolving with the World" [view abstract and preprint] |
David Ing | article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
October 2013 | "Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2, AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) |
June 2013 | "Open source, private source: case studies" [view abstract, presentation slides and article] |
David Ing | presentation slides and article for the Co-Create 2013: The Boundary-Crossing Conference on Co-Design in Innovation, Aalto University |
March 2013 | "Roadmaps for service systems (re-)design: Industry Business Value Assessments (2008, 2010)" [view presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation slides for the INF2306H Introduction to Service Science, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto |
November 2012 | "Reconciling Perspectives in Futures Research and Systems Thinking" [view course description and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for the postgraduate course on Philosophical, Methodological and Pragmatic Approaches to Scientific Futures Research, Finland Futures Academy at the University of Turku |
November 2012 | "Open Source, private source: foundations" [view abstract, presentation slides and article] |
David Ing | presentation slides and article for the Arctic Workshop 2012 on Innovation and Sourcing (Finnish Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering and Management), Aalto University |
October 2012 | "Service Systems, Natural Systems: Systems Approaches to Urban Issues" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for the City Sciences Workshop on Finding Connections Towards a Holistic View of City Systems, University of Toronto |
October 2012 | "The Municipal Reference Model: Government by Design" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
Roy Wiseman and Jim Amsden (via David Ing) | presentation slides for the City Sciences Workshop on Finding Connections Towards a Holistic View of City Systems, University of Toronto |
September 2012 | "Revisiting the Socio-ecological, Social-technical and Socio-psychological Perspectives" (Team Report) | Minna Takala (reporter) with David Ing, Merrelyn Emery, Debora Hammond and Gary Metcalf | proceedings report, and independently contributed article for the Sixteenth IFSR Conversation |
"Expanding Scope of Systemic Innovation and Socio-Ecological and Socio-Technical Perspectives" | Minna Takala | ||
[view abstract, team report and contributed article] | |||
July 2012 | "Is That Affordance Essential? Pathology in service systems and redesigns for sustainability" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for the 1st International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering |
July 2012 | "Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and coevolving with the world" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing | presentation slides for a plenary address at the 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences |
January 2012 | "The Meta-design of Dialogues as Inquiring Systems" [view abstract and presentation slides ] |
David Ing with Peter Jones | presentation slides for a Design with Dialogue session |
July 2011 | "Service Systems, Natural Systems: Sciences in Synthesis" [view presentation and outline] |
David Ing | incoming address as president (2011-2012) for ISSS 2011 |
July 2011 | "Systems Thinking Courses in the Master's Programme on Creative Sustainability at Aalto University: Reflections on Design and Delivery of the 2010-2011 Sessions" [view abstract and article ] |
David Ing | article in conference proceedings for ISSS 2011 |
June 2011 | "Systems Science and Systems Engineering Synergies" [view context, abstract and presentation slides] |
Gary S. Metcalf and David Ing, with Duane Hybertson, Harold "Bud" Lawson, Jennifer M. Wilby, Len Troncale and Hillary Sillitto | a report by a project team of the Systems Science Working Group at the INCOSE International Symposium 2011 |
March 2011 | "Natural systems, service systems: Scientific perspectives on redesigning social-ecological systems" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation slides for Resilience 2011 |
February 2011 | "Systemic Thinking for Planners and Designers" [view course content] [view reflections] |
David Ing | open courseware for a systems thinking course in the master's programme in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University |
November 2010 | "The Systems Sciences and Systems Engineering" [view context map] [view description and web video] |
David Ing | a web conference for the INCOSE Working Group on Complex Systems |
October 2010 | "Systemic Thinking of Sustainable Communities" [view course content] [view reflections] |
David Ing | open courseware for a systems thinking course in the master's programmme in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University |
October 2010 | "Panel on Service Systems and Systems Sciences in the Twenty-First Century" [view context, introduction and article] |
David Ing | an article in INCOSE Insight , the quarterly magazine of the International Council on Systems Engineering |
August 2010 | "The Science of Service Systems" [view context, introduction and section of the proceedings] |
David Ing, with Norimasa Kobayashi, Allenna Leonard, Gary Metcalf, Todd Bowers, Janet Singer and Jennifer Wilby | an excerpt from the Proceedings of the Fifteenth IFSR Conversation, (Gerhard Chroust and Gary S. Metcalf, editors), Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, University of Linz, SEA-SR-28, August 2010. |
July 2010 | "Service Systems and Systems Sciences in the 21st Century" [view context, abstract, outline and presentation slides] |
Jennifer M. Wilby, Kyoichi Kijima, David Ing and Gary S. Metcalf | panel positions and presentation slides from the INCOSE International Symposium 2010, at Chicago |
March 2010 | "Service Systems in Changing Paradigms: An Inquiry through the Systems Sciences" [view abstract and chapter] |
David Ing | a chapter in The Science of Service Systems (Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer and Vikas Krishna, editors), in the Service Science: Research and Innovations (SRII) in the Service Economy book series, Springer 2011. |
February 2010 | "The Emerging Science of Service Systems" [view presentation] |
David Ing | presentation slides for lecture at the Organizational Dynamics Lecture Series, at University of Pennsylvania |
September 2009 | "Dynamics of Service Businesses" [view presentation] |
David Ing | presentation slides for lecture at the Master's program in International Service Business Management at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences |
September 2009 | "Conversations on an Emerging Science of Service Systems" [view presentation] |
David Ing | presentation slides for UKSS 2009 |
July 2009 | "Envisioning Innovation in Service Systems: Induction, Abduction and Deduction" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article in conference proceedings for ISSS 2009 |
January 2009 | "The Trajectory of Systems Research and Practice" [view introduction and section of the proceedings] |
David Ing, with Allenna Leonard, Gary Metcalf, Leonie Solomons, Jennifer Wilby | an excerpt from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth IFSR Conversation, (Gerhard Chroust, editor), Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, University of Linz, SEA-SR-22, January 2009. |
October 2008 | "SSMED and SOA: Service Science, Management, Engineering and Design and Service Oriented Architecture" [view presentation] |
David Ing | presentation slides in conference proceedings, and presentation slides, for Cascon 2008 |
September 2008 | "Offerings as Commitments and Context: Service Systems from a Language Action Perspective" [view abstract, article and presentation] |
David Ing | article in conference proceedings, and presentation slides, for UKSS 2008 |
July 2008 | "Business Models and Evolving Economic Paradigms: A Systems Science Approach" [view abstract, article and presentation] |
David Ing | article in conference proceedings, and presentation slides, for ISSS 2008 |
November 2007 | "Services Engineering and Management, Value Coproduction, and Situated Practices" [view introduction and chapter] |
David Ing | chapter in research report, following SEM 2006 |
April 2006 | "Infrastructure of the Systems Movement" | David Ing (reporter) with Ken Bausch, Gerhard Chroust, Magdalena Kalaidijieva and Gary Metcalf | proceedings reports for the Thirteenth IFSR Conversation |
"The Status and Evolution of Systems Organizations" | David Ing (reporter) with David Ing, Ken Bausch, Gerhard Chroust, Maria Mercedes Clusella Cornejo, Jifa Gu, Magdalena Kalaidjieva, Allenna Leonard, G.A. Swanson and Jennifer Wilby | ||
"Fuschl 2006 Summary" [view abstract and team reports] |
David Ing (reporter) with all participants | ||
October 2005 | "Negotiated Order and Network Form Organizations" [view abstract and preprint] |
Annaleena Parhankangas, David Ing, David L. Hawk, Gosia Dane, and Marianne Kosits | article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
May 2004 | "Plans, Organizational Identity, and Mediating Spaces in Inter-organizational Relations" [view abstract and preprint] |
Senem Güney, David Ing, and Ian Simmonds | article in conference proceedings for 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management |
May 2004 | "Negotiated Order in Organizations in the Network Form" [view abstract and preprint] |
Annaleena Parhankangas, David Ing, David Hawk, Gosia Dane and Marianne Kosits | article in conference proceedings for 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management |
April 2004 | "Being Social Systems: Awareness and Enactment" [view context, introduction and section of the proceedings] |
Gary S. Metcalf, Charles Francois, David Hawk, David Ing, Marilyn Metcalf and Guenther Ossimitz | an excerpt from the Proceedings of the Twelfth IFSR Conversation, (G. Chroust, C. Hofer, C. Hoyer editors), Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, University of Linz, SEA-SR-0, April 2004. |
July 2003 | "Governance and the Practice of Management in Long-Term Inter-Organizational Relations" [view abstract and article] |
Annaleena Parhankangas, David Ing, David Hawk, Gosia Dane and Marianne Kosits | article in conference proceedings for 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences. |
July 2003 | "Anticipating Organizational Competences for Development through the Disclosing of Ignorance" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing, Minna Takala, and Ian Simmonds | article in conference proceedings for 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences. |
August 2002 | "Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces: A Framework for Systemic Socio-Informatic Change" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing and Ian Simmonds | article in conference proceedings for 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences. |
July 2002 | "Networking Your Knowledge Workers: Collaborative Communities of Mobile Business Professionals" [view abstract and article] |
Greg Lowes, David Ing, Ian Simmonds and Juen Lau | article in ABI Insights. |
April 2002 | "Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing and Ian Simmonds | presentation in IBM Knowledge Management Conference 2002. |
September 2001 | "Scale, Scope, Speed" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation at IBM Advanced Business Institute. |
June 2001 | "Building an Adaptive Business Strategy" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
David Ing | presentation for IBM Net Generation Business. |
October 2000 | "A Dance of Creation and Dissemination: Changing Perspectives on Business System Design and Language within and across Communities of Practice" [view abstract and article] |
Ian Simmonds and David Ing | IBM Research report. |
July 2000 | "The Case for Adaptiveness in e-Business: Innovation Adoption, Economic Scope, and Value Capture Through the Strategy of Sense-and-Respond" [view abstract, slides and article] |
David Ing and Ian Simmonds | article in conference proceedings for 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences. |
July 2000 | "Making Accountability Visible Using IT: From Command-and-Control to Bounded, Empowered Coordination" [view abstract and article] |
Ian Simmonds and David Ing | article in conference proceedings for 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences. |
May 2000 | "Managing by Wire, Revisited" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing and Ian Simmonds | IBM Advanced Business Institute White Paper. |
May 2000 | "Communities and Conversation Support: Rethinking the Design of Organizations and Information Systems, Learning from Pattern Languages" [view abstract and presentation slides] |
Ian Simmonds and David Ing | IBM Research report. |
March 2000 | "A Shearing Layers Approach to Information Systems Development" [view abstract and article] |
Ian Simmonds and David Ing | IBM Research report. |
October 1999 | "A Layered Context Perspective on the Design of Enterprises and Information Systems" [view abstract] |
Ian Simmonds and David Ing | book chapter |
June 1999 | "Designing Natural Tension into the Design of Adaptive Enterprises -- 'Context and Coordination' in the Sense & Respond Organization" [view abstract, article and presentation] |
David Ing and Ian Simmonds | article in conference proceedings for 43th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences |
June 1999 | "The Nature and Purpose of Virtual Communities" [view abstract and article] |
Joe Arteaga and David Ing | article in conference proceedings for 43th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences |
May 1999 | "Studying the Sense & Respond Model for Designing Adaptive Enterprises, and the Influence of Russell Ackoff's System of Thinking" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | article in conference proceedings at Villanova University |
August 1998 | "Separating Context and Coordination: Lessons from design wisdom and social theory leading to adaptivity and adaptability through shearing layers" [view abstract and article] |
David Ing | IBM Research report |
January 1994 | "Point-of-Sale Data in Consumer Goods Marketing: Transforming the Art of Marketing into the Science of Marketing" [view abstract and chapter draft] |
David Ing and Andrew A. Mitchell | book chapter |
January 1994 | "The Evolution of Decision Support Systems in Consumer Goods Marketing" [view abstract and chapter draft] |
David Ing | book chapter |
Pre-2005 content is available at the Systemic Business Publications page.

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