During the course, a variety of artifacts were produced for release
on the open Internet.
Day 1 Presentation
Thinking, Systems Design -- Course Introduction | David Ing
Day 1 Personal Appreciation Diary Logs
- "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Day 1" | Ritchie Singh | Jan. 12,
2018 | The New Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/01/12/systems-thinking-systems-design-day-1/
- "Systems Thinking, first post" | Michal | Jan. 14, 2018 9:42:46 |
Systems Thinking at https://systemsthinking848151943.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/systems-thinking-first-post/
- "INF1005 System Thinking Day One" | Mingyi Ma | Jan. 14, 2018 22:46:23
| Mingyi's Blog at https://mamingyi.wordpress.com/2018/01/13/inf1005-system-thinking-day-one/
- "Day 1 – Containing Whole" | Omar | Jan. 15, 2018 12:08:31 | Systems
Thinking Appreciation Diary at https://omarthinkingblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/14/day-1-containing-whole/
- "Hi Systems Thinking and Design!" | Dami Oludumila | Jan. 15, 2018
12:33:20 | Medium at https://medium.com/@DamiOludumila_/hi-systems-thinking-and-design-371a89dfb04e
- "iWelcome" | Katie | Jan. 15, 2018 1:58:21 | iKatie at https://ikatie2018.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/iwelcome/
- "Systems Thinking Jan 10th" | Bohan | Jan 15, 2018 2:30:53 | Systems
Thinking at https://bohan38753498.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/systems-thinking-jan-10th/
- "Personal appreciation diary log 1" | Jolene | Jan. 15, 2018 2:36:38 |
Systems Thinking 2018 at https://systemsthinking267728323.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/first-blog-post/
- "Day 1 Blog Post: The Whole Picture" | Aman | Jan 15, 2018 2:54:11 |
Systems Design Thinking at https://amanssystemsdesign.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/first-blog-post/
- "Systems Thinking – Week 1" | Karen | Jan. 15, 2018 8:28 | Moving
Through the World at https://karennyf.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/systems-thinking-week-1/
- "Intro to Systems Thinking" | Richard Ovcharovich | Jan. 15, 2018
8:42:30 | INF1005 Systems Thinking at https://inf1005ro.tumblr.com/post/169732272002/intro-to-systems-thinking
- "Systems Thinking: Week 1" | Anna | Jan. 15, 2018 8:57:54 |
systemsthinking579955414 at https://systemsthinking579955414.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/systems-thinking-week-1/
- "Week One" | Megan | Jan. 20, 2018 |1005 Systems Thinking, Systems
Design at https://1005systemsthinking.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/week-one/
- "Systems Thinking – Let’s Think Systems!" | Hadley | Jan. 22, 2018
09:34 | Connectivity Issues at https://connectivityissues.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/systems-thinking-lets-think-systems/
- "Day One" | Kyrie Wang | Jan 30, 2018 at https://kyriewang.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/first-blog-post/
Day 2 Presentation-Facilitations
Group presentation-facilitations
Cluster 1: Object Process Methodology
Megan Ferguson, Anna Lutsky
Cluster 2: Dialogue Mapping
Nadine Finlay, Hadley Staite
Day 2 Personal Appreciation Diary Logs
- "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Day 2 Dialogue Mapping &
Object Process Methodology" | Ritchie Singh | Jan. 19, 2018 | The New
Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/01/19/systems-thinking-systems-design-day-2-dialogue-mapping-object-process-methodology/
- "Day 2 Blog Post: A Place for Everything" | Aman | Jan 21, 2018 |
Systems Design Thinking at https://amanssystemsdesign.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/day-2-blog-post/
- "Week Two" | Megan | Jan. 21, 2018 |1005 Systems Thinking, Systems
Design at https://1005systemsthinking.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/week-two/
- "Blog Post 2, Object Process Methodology and Dialogue Mapping using
CCSAV" | Michal | Jan. 21 2018 | Systems Thinking at https://systemsthinking848151943.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/blog-post-2-object-process-methodology-and-dialogue-mapping-using-ccsav/
- "INF1005 System Thinking Day Two" | Mingyi Ma | Jan. 21, 2018 |
Mingyi's Blog at https://mamingyi.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/inf1005-system-thinking-day-two/
- "Day 2 – Object Processing vs Dialogue Mapping" | Omar | Jan. 21, 2018
| Systems Thinking Appreciation Diary at https://omarthinkingblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/day-2-object-processing-vs-dialogue-mapping/
- "pIneapple: Looking at Object Process Methodology and Dialogue
Mapping" | Katie | Jan. 22, 2018 00:12 | iKatie at https://ikatie2018.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/pineapple-looking-at-object-process-methodology-and-dialogue-mapping/
- "Systems Thinking Jan17th OPM & DM" | Bohan | Jan 22, 2018 01:48 |
Systems Thinking at https://bohan38753498.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/systems-thinking-jan17th-opm-dm/
- "Personal appreciation diary log 2" | Jolene | Jan. 22, 2018 04:15 |
Systems Thinking 2018 at https://systemsthinking267728323.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/personal-appreciation-diary-log-2/
- "So what is this object process methodology and dialogue mapping you
were talking about?" | Dami Oludumila | Jan. 22, 2018 | 06:51 | Medium
at https://medium.com/@DamiOludumila_/so-what-is-this-object-process-methodology-and-dialogue-mapping-you-were-talking-about-5efbd6c91362
- "Systems Thinking: Week 2" | Anna | Jan. 22, 2018 07:35 |
systemsthinking579955414 at https://systemsthinking579955414.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/systems-thinking-week-2/
- "Week 2 – OPM and DM" | Karen | Jan. 22, 2018 8:18 | Moving Through
the World at https://karennyf.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/week-2-opm-and-dm/
- "Systems Thinking Jan17th OPM & DM" | Hadley | Jan. 22, 2018 09:34
| Connectivity Issues at https://connectivityissues.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/is-a-conversation-a-system/
- "Day 2" | Kyrie Wang | Jan 30, 2018 at https://kyriewang.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/another-blog-post/
- << Late work (and revisions) will be accepted, so additions to
this list should be expected >>
Day 3 Presentation-Facilitations
Group presentation-facilitations
Cluster 3: Idealized Design
Amanpreet Bains, Ritchie Singh
Cluster 4: Soft Systems Methodology
Kyrie (Kaiyu) Wang, Bohan Yang
Day 3 Personal Appreciation Diary Logs
- "Day 3 Blog Post: No Perfect Solution" | Aman | Jan 26, 2018 | Systems
Design Thinking at https://amanssystemsdesign.wordpress.com/2018/01/26/day-3-blog-post/
- "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Day 3 -- Interactive Planning
& Soft Systems Methodology" | Ritchie Singh | Jan. 27, 2018 | The
New Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/01/27/systems-thinking-systems-design-day-3-interactive-planning-soft-systems-methodology/
- "INF1005 System Thinking Day Three" | Mingyi Ma | Jan. 28, 2018 |
Mingyi's Blog at https://mamingyi.wordpress.com/2018/01/28/inf1005-system-thinking-day-three/
- "combIning: Idealized Design and Soft Systems Methodology" | Katie |
Jan. 28, 2018 18:52 | iKatie at https://ikatie2018.wordpress.com/2018/01/28/combining-idealized-design-and-soft-systems-methodology/
- "Week Three" | Megan | Jan. 28, 2018 |1005 Systems Thinking, Systems
Design at https://1005systemsthinking.wordpress.com/2018/01/29/week-three/
- "Day 3 – The connection between Soft System Methodology and Idealized
Design" | Omar | Jan. 28, 2018 | Systems Thinking Appreciation Diary at
- "Idealized Design and Soft Systems Methodology" | Michal | Jan. 28
2018 | Systems Thinking at https://systemsthinking848151943.wordpress.com/2018/01/29/idealized-design-and-soft-systems-methodology/
- "Week 3 Idealized Design & Soft System Thinking" | Bohan | Jan 29,
2018 02:55 | Systems Thinking at https://bohan38753498.wordpress.com/2018/01/29/week-3-idealized-design-soft-system-thinking/
- "Personal Appreciation Diary Log 3" | Jolene | Jan. 29, 2018 04:23 |
Systems Thinking 2018 at https://systemsthinking267728323.wordpress.com/2018/01/29/personal-appreciation-diary-log-3/
- "Systems Thinking: Week 2" | Anna | Jan. 29, 2018 22:41 |
systemsthinking579955414 at https://systemsthinking579955414.wordpress.com/2018/01/30/systems-thinking-week-3/
- " Systems Thinking Week 3" | Karen | Jan. 29, 2018 | Moving Through
the World at https://karennyf.wordpress.com/2018/01/29/systems-thinking-week-3/
- "Day 3" | Kyrie Wang | Jan 30, 2018 at https://kyriewang.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/and-another-blog-post/
- "Holding the OALCF up beside Idealized Design and Soft Systems
Methodology" | Hadley | Jan. 30, 2018 | https://connectivityissues.wordpress.com/2018/01/30/holding-the-oalcf-up-beside-idealized-design-and-soft-systems-methodology
- "Day 3 Redo – Idealized Design and Soft Systems Methodology" | Omar |
Feb. 2, 2018 | Systems Thinking Appreciation Diary at https://omarthinkingblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/02/day-3-redo-idealized-design-and-soft-systems-methodology/
- "Idealized Design and Soft Systems Methodology" | Dami Oludumila |
Feb. 2, 2018 | Medium at https://medium.com/@DamiOludumila_/idealized-design-and-soft-systems-methodology-4cd398065825
- "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Day 3 -- Revision" | Ritchie
Singh | Feb. 2, 2018 | The New Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/02/02/systems-thinking-systems-design-day-3-revision/
January 31 reiteration lecture on Interactive
Design and Soft Systems Methodology (David Ing)
Day 4 Presentation-Facilitations
Group presentation-facilitations
Cluster 5: Viable System Model
Jolene Hurtubise, Omar Khattab
Cluster 6: Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
Richard Ovcharovich, Katherine Policicchio
Web video of scripted participatory theatre
Day 4 Personal Appreciation Diary Logs
- "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Day 4 -- VSM and Resilience in
Social-Ecological Systems" | Ritchie Singh | Feb. 3, 2018 | The New
Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/02/03/systems-thinking-systems-design-day-4-vsm-resilience-in-social-ecological-systems/
- "Week Four" | Megan | Feb. 4, 2018 |1005 Systems Thinking, Systems
Design at https://1005systemsthinking.wordpress.com/2018/02/04/week-four/
- "Blog Post #4, Viable System Model and Resilience in Social-Ecological
Systems" | Michal | Feb. 4 2018 19:35| Systems Thinking at https://systemsthinking848151943.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/blog-post-4-viable-system-model-and-resilience-in-social-ecological-systems/
- "INF1005 System Thinking Day Three" | Mingyi Ma | Feb. 4, 2018 23:23|
Mingyi's Blog at https://mamingyi.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/inf1005-system-thinking-day-four/
- "Viable System Model (VSM) and Resilience in Social-Ecological
Systems" | Dami Oludumila | Feb. 4, 2018 23:28 | Medium at https://medium.com/@DamiOludumila_/viable-system-model-vsm-and-resilience-in-social-ecological-systems-6addaab6d7b8
- "Day 4 – Viable System Model and Social-ecological Systems" | Omar |
Feb. 5, 2018 12:18| Systems Thinking Appreciation Diary at https://omarthinkingblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/day-4-viable-system-model-and-social-ecological-systems/
- "i nformation overload: reflections on these past four weeks" | Katie
| Feb. 5 2018 12:51 | iKatie at https://ikatie2018.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/i-nformation-overload-reflections-on-these-past-four-weeks/
- "Viable System Models & Resilience Thinking" | Bohan | Feb 5, 2018
01:50 | Systems Thinking at https://bohan38753498.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/viable-system-models-resilience-thinking/
- "Day 4 Blog Post: Puzzle Pieces" | Aman | Feb. 5, 2018 02:14 | Systems
Design Thinking at https://amanssystemsdesign.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/day-4-blog-post/
- "Personal Appreciation Diary Log 4" | Jolene | Feb. 5 , 2018 04:23 |
Systems Thinking 2018 at https://systemsthinking267728323.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/personal-appreciation-diary-log-4/
- "Day 4" | Kyrie Wang | Feb. 5 2018 09:45 at https://kyriewang.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/another-blog-post-two/
- "Systems Thinking: Week 4" | Anna | Feb. 6, 2018 01:13 |
systemsthinking579955414 at https://systemsthinking579955414.wordpress.com/2018/02/06/__trashed/
- "More Systems Thoughts!" | Hadley | Feb. 5 2018 10:11 | https://connectivityissues.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/more-systems-thoughts/
- "Systems Thinking Week 4" | Karen | Feb. 5, 2018 | Moving Through the
World at https://karennyf.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/systems-thinking-week-4/
- << Late work (and revisions) will be accepted, so additions to
this list should be expected >>
January 7 instructor's commentary, extending
some blog comments
Day 5 Presentation-Facilitations
Group presentation-facilitations
Cluster 7: Service Systems
Mingyi Ma, Dami (Oluwadamilola) Oludumila
Cluster 8: Generative Pattern Language
Karen Fingas, Michal Telem
Day 5 Personal Appreciation Diary Logs
- "Day 5 Blog Post: Performance & Patterns" | Aman | Feb. 10, 2018 |
Systems Design Thinking at https://amanssystemsdesign.wordpress.com/2018/02/10/day-5-blog-post/
- "INF1005 System Thinking Day Five" | Mingyi Ma | Feb. 10, 2018 |
Mingyi's Blog at https://mamingyi.wordpress.com/2018/02/11/inf1005-system-thinking-day-five/
- "Systems Thinking, Systems Design – Day 5 – Service Systems and
Generative Pattern Language" | Ritchie Singh | Feb. 11, 2018 09:16 | The
New Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/02/11/systems-thinking-systems-design-day-5-service-systems-and-generative-pattern-language/
- "Post #5: Service Systems and Generative Pattern Language" | Michal |
Jan. 28 2018 | Systems Thinking at https://systemsthinking848151943.wordpress.com/2018/02/12/post-5-service-systems-and-generative-pattern-language/
- "DiALOGUE – Service Systems and Generative Pattern Language" | Katie |
Feb. 11 2018 23:30 | iKatie at https://ikatie2018.wordpress.com/2018/02/12/dialogue-service-systems-and-generative-pattern-language/
- "Day 5 – Service Systems and Generative Pattern Language" | Omar |
Feb. 11, 2018 22:53| Systems Thinking Appreciation Diary at https://omarthinkingblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/12/day-5-service-systems-and-generative-pattern-language/
- "Week 5 Service System Thinking & Pattern Language" | Bohan | Feb
11, 2018 22:53 | Systems Thinking at https://bohan38753498.wordpress.com/2018/02/12/week-5-service-system-thinking-pattern-language/
- "Personal Appreciation Diary Log 5" | Jolene | Feb. 12 , 2018 03:36 |
Systems Thinking 2018 at https://systemsthinking267728323.wordpress.com/2018/02/12/personal-appreciation-diary-log-5/
- "Service Systems and Generative Pattern Language" | Dami Oludumila |
Feb. 12, 2018 08:11 | Medium at https://medium.com/@DamiOludumila_/service-systems-and-generative-pattern-language-d21674fa9636
- "Week 5 – Service Science and Generative Pattern Language" | Karen |
Feb. 12, 2018 | Moving Through the World at https://karennyf.wordpress.com/2018/02/12/week-5-service-science-and-generative-pattern-language/
- "Day 5" | Kyrie Wang | Feb. 13 2018 08:33 at https://kyriewang.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/another-blog-post-three/
- "Systems Thinking: Week 5" | Anna | Feb. 13, 2018 07:59 |
systemsthinking579955414 at https://systemsthinking579955414.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/systems-thinking-week-5/
- "Week Five" | Megan | Feb. 19, 2018 |1005 Systems Thinking, Systems
Design at https://1005systemsthinking.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/week-five/
- "Patterns, solutions, and public libraries" | Hadley | Feb. 19 2018 at
6 Infographic Presentations
1. Megan Ferguson, Anna Lutsky | [view in infographic in a new window: 600px, 900px]
2. Nadine Finlay, Hadley Staite | [view in infographic in a new window: 600px, 900px]
3. Amanpreet Bains, Ritchie Singh | [view in infographic in a new window:
600px, 900px]
4. Kyrie (Kaiyu) Wang, Bohan Yang | [view in infographic in a new
window: 600px, 900px]
5. Jolene Hurtubise, Omar Khattab | [view in infographic in a new window:
600px, 900px]
6. Richard Ovcharovich, Katherine Policicchio | [view in infographic in
a new window: 600px, 900px]
7. Mingyi Ma, Dami (Oluwadamilola) Oludumila | [view in infographic in a
new window: 600px, 900px]
8. Karen Fingas, Michal Telem | [view in infographic in a new window: 600px, 900px]
Concluding Personal Appreciation Synthesis Diaries
- "Systems Thinking – Synthesis" | Ritchie Singh | Feb. 18, 2018 | The
New Learning at https://thenewlearning.ca/2018/02/15/systems-thinking-synthesis/
- "iSynthesize" | Katie | Feb. 19 2018 01:08 | iKatie at https://ikatie2018.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/isynthesis/
- "Day 6 – Reflecting on Systems Methods" | Omar | Feb. 19, 2018 01:32 |
Systems Thinking Appreciation Diary at https://omarthinkingblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/day-6-reflecting-on-systems-methods/
- "Personal Appreciation Diary Log 6" | Jolene | Feb. 19, 2018 03:36 |
Systems Thinking 2018 at https://systemsthinking267728323.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/personal-appreciation-diary-log-6/
- "Day 6 Blog Post – Synthesis" | Aman | Feb. 19, 2018 08:34|
Systems Design Thinking at https://amanssystemsdesign.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/day-6-blog-post-synthesis/comment-page-1/
- "Week Six" | Megan | Feb. 19, 2018 15:20 |1005 Systems Thinking,
Systems Design at https://1005systemsthinking.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/week-six/
- "Reflecting on the Systems Thinking Workshop" | Hadley | Feb. 19 2018
17:52 at https://connectivityissues.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/reflecting-on-the-systems-thinking-workshop/
- "INF1005 System Thinking Final Blog" | Mingyi Ma | Feb. 19, 2018
21:18 | Mingyi's Blog at https://mamingyi.wordpress.com/2018/02/16/systems-thinking-systems-design/
- "Systems Thinking – a final synthesis" | Karen | Feb. 19, 2018 |
Moving Through the World at https://karennyf.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/systems-thinking-a-final-synthesis/
- "The Synthesis after the Analysis" | Dami Oludumila | Feb. 21, 2018
23:40 | Medium at https://medium.com/@DamiOludumila_/synthesis-after-the-analysis-3e7a4174b1fc
- "Systems Thinking: Week 6" | Anna | Feb. 23, 2018 12:12 |
systemsthinking579955414 at https://systemsthinking579955414.wordpress.com/2018/02/23/systems-thinking-week-6/
- " Blog Post #6, workshop synthesis" | Michal | Jan. 23 2018
12:26| Systems Thinking at https://systemsthinking848151943.wordpress.com/2018/02/23/blog-post-6-workshop-synthesis/
- "Reflecting on the Systems Thinking Workshop" | Kyrie Wang | Feb. 25
2018 09:45 at https://kyriewang.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/featured-content-2/