
Publication Date Publication Title Author(s) Form
August 2024 "Reifying Socio-Technical and Socio-Ecological Perspectives for Systems Changes: From rearranging objects to repacing rhythms"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing preprint for proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Socio-Technical Perspectives in IS (STPIS’24)
June 2024 "Resequencing Systems Thinking: Practising, Theorizing and Philosophizing as Systems Changes Learning, at Year 6 of 10"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing Presentation at 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Washington, DC
May 2024 "Resequencing Systems Thinking: Practising, Theorizing and Philosophizing as Systems Changes Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing Expert Led Session for Centre for System Studies, University of Hull, UK
April 2024 "Yinyang and Daojia into Systems Thinking through Changes"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for a EQ Lab, Dialogic Drinks
April 2024 "Incremental Adaptation or Generational Shift?"
[view abstract and eBook]
David Ing chapter in Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Explorations in the Transition from a Techno-economic to a Socio-technical Future
March 2024 "Systems Changes Dialogues on Social Innovation"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for a Centre for Social Innovation
March 2024 "From Unfreezing-Refreezing, to Systems Changes Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for a EQ Lab, Dialogic Drinks
January 2024 "Reframing Systems Thinking for Systems Changes: Sciencing and Philosophizing from Pragmatism towards Processes as Rhythms"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing +
Gary S. Metcalf
article published in Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
September 2023 "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms"
[view abstract, article under 24-month embargo]
David Ing article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Sciences
July 2023 "Sciencing and Philosophizing on Threads in Systems Thinking: Tracing through the texture of the socio-technical and socio-ecological perspectives"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing + Gary S. Metcalf discussion at Systems Thinking Ontario
February 2023 "Systems Changes Learning: Recasting and reifying rhythmic shifts for doing, alongside thinking and making"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article published in The Journal of Systems, Cybernetics and Information
January 2023 "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article published in Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
October 2022 "Reifying Systems Thinking towards Changes: Rhythmic Shifts, (Con)Texture, and Propensity amongst Living Systems"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for a Universitat de Barcelona Graduate Programmes in Business
October 2022 "Knowing Better via Systems Thinking: Traditions and Contemporary Approaches"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for a Universitat de Barcelona Business School, International Operations Management class
July 2022 "When Unfreeze-Move-Refreeze Isn’t Working: Doing, Thinking, and Making via Systems Changes Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for a Virtual Open Meeting of SCiO - Systems and Complexity in Organisation
July 2022 "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing plenary presentation for the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
March 2022 "Systems Thinking through Changes"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for the Canadian Digital Service , in collaboration with Code for Canada
January 2022 "Living, Becoming, Process Philosophy: Systems Thinking in Time"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing discussion at Systems Thinking Ontario
November 2021 "Progress on Systems Changes Learning: Coevolving towards Rethinking Systems Thinking"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at CSRP Institute Symposium, Brussels, Belgium
November 2021 "Friends or Foes: Theory of Change, Systemic Design (Thinking), Systems Changes Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
Zaid Khan + David Ing dialogue session at Relatioing Systems and Design (RSD) 10, TU Delft
August 2021 "Normal Accidents, High Reliability, Wicked Messes"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing discussion at Systems Thinking Ontario
October 2020 "Theoretical Grounds, Pragmatic Grounds: Methods for Reordering our Priorities through Systems Changes Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing discussion at the 84th meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario
March 2020 "How do Systems Changes become natural practice? History-making, commitment, argumentation + pattern language"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto
February 2020 "Conversation guide to Gareth Morgan (2006) Images of Organization"
[view abstract and handout]
David Ing conversation guide for SystemsThinkingTO (Meetup), Toronto
February 2020 "Whom, when + where do Systems Changes situate? Value(s), services and socio-technical affirming phronesis"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto
January 2020 "Why (Intervene in) Systms Changes? Errors, Attention and Traps through an Ecological Understanding"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto
January 2020 "Are Systems Changes Different from System + Change? Recasting and reifying systems thinking with theory of change"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto
December 2019 "Ecology and Economy: Systems Changes Ahead?"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article published in WEI Magazine
March 2019 "Systems Changes: Cultures and families over time"
[view abstract and presentation]
David Ing presentation, at Tongji Huangpu School
March 2019 "Systems Changes: Errors and Breakdowns; Approaches; Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto
February 2019 "Systems Changes: Learning from the Christopher Alexander Legacy
[view session description and discussion slides]
David Ing discussion slides for Systems Thinking Ontario, Toronto, Canada
January 2019 "Systems Changes: A Call for Participation"
[view session description and discussion slides]
David Ing discussion slides for Systems Thinking Ontario, Toronto, Canada
November 2018 "Systemic design agendas in education and design research: A report and reflections on the RSD5 Symposium workshop"
[view abstract and article]
Susu Nousala, David Ing and Peter Jones article published in Formakademisk
October 2018 "Narrating Wholeness: Pattern Language Generating Semi-Lattice(s), System(s), and/or Holon(s)"
[view abstract, (presentation), and article]
David Ing workshop (presentation to come) and position paper for the 10th PUARL (Portland Urban Architecture Research Lab) Conference 2018
October 2018 "Wicked problems, systems approach, pattern language, ecological epistemology, hierarchy theory, interactive value: Multiparadigm inquiry generating service systems thinking"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article in Proceedings of the PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Volume 3
October 2018 "Representing Generative Wholeness with Pattern Language"
[view abstract, (presentation), and article]
David Ing focus session (presentation to come) and position paper for the 25th PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programes) Conference 2018
July 2018 "A Systems Approach on Social Enterprise"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing workshop for the Agents of Change accelerator program, Centre for Social Innovation, Toronto, Ontario
May 2018 "Evolving Pattern Language towards an Affordance Language"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at IBM Research Almaden, San Jose, California
April 2018 "Innovation Learning for Sustainability: What is smarter for urban systems?"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing keynote presentation at International Conference on Smart Cities and Urban Design (SCUD 2018), Wuhan, PR China
March 2018 "Architecting for Wicked Messes: Towards an affordance language for service systems"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCADU, Toronto
February 2018 "Wicked problems, IBIS, and a timeline of parallel systems thinking"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at SystemsThinkingTO S2E2, Toronto
February 2018 "Book Launch: Open Innovation Learning"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at 54th monthly meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario, OCAD University
January 2018 "Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Course Introduction"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture for Information Workshop INF1005H, section 0105 (winter 2018), University of Toronto Faculty of Information (iSchool)
January 2018 "Negotiating Order with Generative Pattern Language: Retrospective on a PLoP 2017 workshop and discussion"
[view abstract and proceedings paper]
David Ing presentation, plus article in review for Proceedings of PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programming) Conference 2017
December 2017 "Systems Thinking, Service Systems, Affordance Pattern Language"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture for "Business Co-Evolution and Change of Behavior Culture", HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland
November 2017 "Wicked Problems, Affordances, Service Systems: Some perspectives for designing"
[view abstract and presentation]
David Ing Public lecture, Tongji University, College of Design and Innovation
November 2017 "Systems Thinking and Wicked Problems"
[view abstract and presentation]
David Ing presentation, at Tongji Huangpu School
October 2017 "Negotiating Order with Generative Pattern Language: A workshop at PLoP 2017"
[view abstract and presentation]
David Ing presentation, plus outline for discussion at Proceedings of PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programming) Conference 2017
October 2017 "Exploring the Context of Pattern Languages: A dialogue on the world around Christopher Alexander"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing workshop presentation for PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Conference 2017
October 2017 "Wicked problems, systems approach, pattern language, ecological epistemology, hierarchy theory, interactive value: Multiparadigm inquiry generating service systems thinking"
[view abstract, presentation and article]
David Ing presentation, plus article in review for Proceedings of the PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Conference 2017
August 2017 "Open Innovation Learning and Open Data"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at Open Data Häme, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland
March 2017 "Innovation Learning and Open Sourcing: Internet-of-Things + Cloud Platforms + Cognitive Computing"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at The 10th International Systems Sciences Symposium, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
March 2017 "Service Systems Thinking: Reflecting on acts of representation"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture at Understanding Systems and Systemic Design, Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCAD University, Toronto, Ontario Canada
February 2017 "Some Future Paths for Design Professionals: DesignX and Systemic Design [view article] Susu Nousala, David Ing and Peter Jones article from proceedings of the Relating Systems Thinking and Design 5 symposium, OCAD University
December 2016 "Service Systems Thinking with Generative Pattern Language"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture in Industrial Management, Master's Program, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
October 2016 "Pattern Manual for Service Systems Thinking: A proposal for discussion"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing presentation, plus article in review for Proceedings of the 2016 International PUARL Conference
October 2016 "Curriculum Making for Trito Learning: Wayfaring along a meshwork of systems thinking"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing + Susu Nousala presentation at RSD5 Symposium Relating Systems Thinking and Design
March 2016 "Service Systems and the Systems Sciences"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at Wuhan University of Technology, People's Republic of China
March 2016 "Prospects for Service Systems: From Smarter to Cognitive"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at The 9th International Systems Sciences Symposium 2016: Translational Systems Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
February 2016 "Systems Coevolving: Sciences, Service, Smarter, Cognitive"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at the Urban Systems course, Aalto Built Environment Laboratory, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
February 2016 "Systemic Thinking 2"
[view course content]
[view reflections]
[view student completion artifacts]
David Ing open courseware for a systems thinking course in the master's programme in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University
October 2015 "Systems Thinking: A journey, and some prospects"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at the Master's Program in Creative Sustainability, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
October 2015 "Service Systems Thinking: An introduction"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing lecture in Industrial Management, Master's Program, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
July 2015 "Service Systems Thinking: From Environmental Structure to a New Generative Pattern Language"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at PURPLSOC (Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change) Conference, Danube University Krems, Austria
February 2015 "Unfolding values in places, spaces and paces: Service systems thinking and architectural theory"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at Open Symposium on Service Systems Science 2015: Network Digital Revolution, Tokyo Institute of Technology
January 2015 "From Environmental Structure to Service Systems Thinking: Wholeness with Centers Described with a Generative Pattern Language"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article in Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
December 2014 "Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking"
[view article]
David Ing article published in FORMakademisk
October 2014 "An Invitation to Service Systems Thinking: Collaborating on a New Generative Pattern Language"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for Relating Systems Thinking and Design 3, AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design)
September 2014 "From Environmental Structure to Service Systems Thinking: Wholeness with Centers Described with a Generative Pattern Language" (manuscript)
[view abstract and manuscript]
David Ing manuscript for discussion at for Pattern Languages of Programming Conference 2014, Monticello, IL
July 2014 "Incubating Service Systems Thinking: New frames for collaborating on a pattern language for service systems (slides and video)"
[view abstract presentation slides, and video]
David Ing presentation slides and video for the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Washington, DC

(a 20-minute excerpt was previewed at the 2nd International Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering, Krakow, Poland)
June 2014 "Incubating Service Systems Thinking: New frames for collaborating on a pattern language for service systems (workshop)"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for INCOSE International Symposium, Las Vegas, NV
May 2014 "Scenario-Buffered Design"
[view presentation slides]
Gerard Drenth, Daniel Grönquist, Peter Hesserdahl, David Ing, Naomi Stanford, Felix Werle presentation slides from group work at Oxford Futures Forum 2014.
April 2014 "Systems Thinking and Social Relations"
[view session description and discussion slide ]
David Ing discussion slide for Systems Thinking Ontario, Toronto, Canada
January 2014 "A Proposal for Collaboration on a Pattern Language for Service Systems Science"
[view presentation slides]
David Ing presentation slides from Systems Science Working Group INCOSE International Workshop
December 2013 "Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking"
[view article]
David Ing article from proceedings of the Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2 conference, AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design)
November 2013 "Editorial: Service Systems, Natural Systems -- Sciences in Synthesis"
[view abstract and preprint]
David Ing and Jennifer Wilby article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science
November 2013 "Service Science: Reframing Progress with Universities"
[view abstract and preprint]
Jim Spohrer, Alessio Giuiusa, Haluk Demirkan, and David Ing article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science
October 2013 "Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and Coevolving with the World"
[view abstract and preprint]
David Ing article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science
October 2013 "Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2, AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design)
June 2013 "Open source, private source: case studies"
[view abstract, presentation slides and article]
David Ing presentation slides and article for the Co-Create 2013: The Boundary-Crossing Conference on Co-Design in Innovation, Aalto University
March 2013 "Roadmaps for service systems (re-)design: Industry Business Value Assessments (2008, 2010)"
[view presentation slides]
David Ing presentation slides for the INF2306H Introduction to Service Science, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
November 2012 "Reconciling Perspectives in Futures Research and Systems Thinking"
[view course description and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for the postgraduate course on Philosophical, Methodological and Pragmatic Approaches to Scientific Futures Research, Finland Futures Academy at the University of Turku
November 2012 "Open Source, private source: foundations"
[view abstract, presentation slides and article]
David Ing presentation slides and article for the Arctic Workshop 2012 on Innovation and Sourcing (Finnish Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering and Management), Aalto University
October 2012 "Service Systems, Natural Systems: Systems Approaches to Urban Issues"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for the City Sciences Workshop on Finding Connections Towards a Holistic View of City Systems, University of Toronto
October 2012 "The Municipal Reference Model: Government by Design"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
Roy Wiseman and Jim Amsden (via David Ing) presentation slides for the City Sciences Workshop on Finding Connections Towards a Holistic View of City Systems, University of Toronto
September 2012 "Revisiting the Socio-ecological, Social-technical and Socio-psychological Perspectives" (Team Report) Minna Takala (reporter) with David Ing, Merrelyn Emery, Debora Hammond and Gary Metcalf proceedings report, and independently contributed article for the Sixteenth IFSR Conversation
"Expanding Scope of Systemic Innovation and Socio-Ecological and Socio-Technical Perspectives" Minna Takala
[view abstract, team report and contributed article]
July 2012 "Is That Affordance Essential? Pathology in service systems and redesigns for sustainability"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for the 1st International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering
July 2012 "Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and coevolving with the world"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing presentation slides for a plenary address at the 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
January 2012 "The Meta-design of Dialogues as Inquiring Systems"
[view abstract and presentation slides ]
David Ing with Peter Jones presentation slides for a Design with Dialogue session
July 2011 "Service Systems, Natural Systems: Sciences in Synthesis"
[view presentation and outline]
David Ing incoming address as president (2011-2012) for ISSS 2011
July 2011 "Systems Thinking Courses in the Master's Programme on Creative Sustainability at Aalto University: Reflections on Design and Delivery of the 2010-2011 Sessions"
[view abstract and article ]
David Ing article in conference proceedings for ISSS 2011
June 2011 "Systems Science and Systems Engineering Synergies"
[view context, abstract and presentation slides]
Gary S. Metcalf and David Ing, with Duane Hybertson, Harold "Bud" Lawson, Jennifer M. Wilby, Len Troncale and Hillary Sillitto a report by a project team of the Systems Science Working Group at the INCOSE International Symposium 2012
March 2011 "Natural systems, service systems: Scientific perspectives on redesigning social-ecological systems"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation slides for Resilience 2011
February 2011 "Systemic Thinking for Planners and Designers"
[view course content]
[view reflections]
David Ing open courseware for a systems thinking course in the master's programme in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University
November 2010 "The Systems Sciences and Systems Engineering"
[view context map]
[view description and web video]
David Ing a web conference for the INCOSE Working Group on Complex Systems
October 2010 "Systemic Thinking of Sustainable Communities"
[view course content]
[view reflections]
David Ing open courseware for a systems thinking course in the master's programmme in Creative Sustainability at Aalto University
October 2010 "Panel on Service Systems and Systems Sciences in the Twenty-First Century"
[view context, introduction and article]
David Ing an article in INCOSE Insight , the quarterly magazine of the International Council on Systems Engineering
August 2010 "The Science of Service Systems"
[view context, introduction and section of the proceedings]
David Ing, with Norimasa Kobayashi, Allenna Leonard, Gary Metcalf, Todd Bowers, Janet Singer and Jennifer Wilby an excerpt from the Proceedings of the Fifteenth IFSR Conversation, (Gerhard Chroust and Gary S. Metcalf, editors), Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, University of Linz, SEA-SR-28, August 2010.
July 2010 "Service Systems and Systems Sciences in the 21st Century"
[view context, abstract, outline and presentation slides]
Jennifer M. Wilby, Kyoichi Kijima, David Ing and Gary S. Metcalf panel positions and presentation slides from the INCOSE International Symposium 2010, at Chicago
March 2010 "Service Systems in Changing Paradigms: An Inquiry through the Systems Sciences"
[view abstract and chapter]
David Ing a chapter in The Science of Service Systems (Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer and Vikas Krishna, editors), in the Service Science: Research and Innovations (SRII) in the Service Economy book series, Springer 2011.
February 2010 "The Emerging Science of Service Systems"
[view presentation]
David Ing presentation slides for lecture at the Organizational Dynamics Lecture Series, at University of Pennsylvania
September 2009 "Dynamics of Service Businesses"
[view presentation]
David Ing presentation slides for lecture at the Master's program in International Service Business Management at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
September 2009 "Conversations on an Emerging Science of Service Systems"
[view presentation]
David Ing presentation slides for UKSS 2009
July 2009 "Envisioning Innovation in Service Systems: Induction, Abduction and Deduction"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article in conference proceedings for ISSS 2009
January 2009 "The Trajectory of Systems Research and Practice"
[view introduction and section of the proceedings]
David Ing, with Allenna Leonard, Gary Metcalf, Leonie Solomons, Jennifer Wilby an excerpt from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth IFSR Conversation, (Gerhard Chroust, editor), Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, University of Linz, SEA-SR-22, January 2009.
October 2008 "SSMED and SOA: Service Science, Management, Engineering and Design and Service Oriented Architecture"
[view presentation]
David Ing presentation slides in conference proceedings, and presentation slides, for Cascon 2008
September 2008 "Offerings as Commitments and Context: Service Systems from a Language Action Perspective"
[view abstract, article and presentation]
David Ing article in conference proceedings, and presentation slides, for UKSS 2008
July 2008 "Business Models and Evolving Economic Paradigms: A Systems Science Approach"
[view abstract, article and presentation]
David Ing article in conference proceedings, and presentation slides, for ISSS 2008
November 2007 "Services Engineering and Management, Value Coproduction, and Situated Practices"
[view introduction and chapter]
David Ing chapter in research report, following SEM 2006
April 2006 "Infrastructure of the Systems Movement" David Ing (reporter) with Ken Bausch, Gerhard Chroust, Magdalena Kalaidijieva and Gary Metcalf proceedings reports for the Thirteenth IFSR Conversation
"The Status and Evolution of Systems Organizations" David Ing (reporter) with David Ing, Ken Bausch, Gerhard Chroust, Maria Mercedes Clusella Cornejo, Jifa Gu, Magdalena Kalaidjieva, Allenna Leonard, G.A. Swanson and Jennifer Wilby
"Fuschl 2006 Summary"
[view abstract and team reports]
David Ing (reporter) with all participants
October 2005 "Negotiated Order and Network Form Organizations"
[view abstract and preprint]
Annaleena Parhankangas, David Ing, David L. Hawk, Gosia Dane, and Marianne Kosits article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science
May 2004 "Plans, Organizational Identity, and Mediating Spaces in Inter-organizational Relations"
[view abstract and preprint]
Senem Güney, David Ing, and Ian Simmonds article in conference proceedings for 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management
May 2004 "Negotiated Order in Organizations in the Network Form"
[view abstract and preprint]
Annaleena Parhankangas, David Ing, David Hawk, Gosia Dane and Marianne Kosits article in conference proceedings for 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management
April 2004 "Being Social Systems: Awareness and Enactment"
[view context, introduction and section of the proceedings]
Gary S. Metcalf, Charles Francois, David Hawk, David Ing, Marilyn Metcalf and Guenther Ossimitz an excerpt from the Proceedings of the Twelfth IFSR Conversation, (G. Chroust, C. Hofer, C. Hoyer editors), Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, University of Linz, SEA-SR-0, April 2004.
July 2003 "Governance and the Practice of Management in Long-Term Inter-Organizational Relations"
[view abstract and article]
Annaleena Parhankangas, David Ing, David Hawk, Gosia Dane and Marianne Kosits article in conference proceedings for 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences.
July 2003 "Anticipating Organizational Competences for Development through the Disclosing of Ignorance"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing, Minna Takala, and Ian Simmonds article in conference proceedings for 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences.
August 2002 "Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces: A Framework for Systemic Socio-Informatic Change"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing and Ian Simmonds article in conference proceedings for 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences.
July 2002 "Networking Your Knowledge Workers: Collaborative Communities of Mobile Business Professionals"
[view abstract and article]
Greg Lowes, David Ing, Ian Simmonds and Juen Lau article in ABI Insights.
April 2002 "Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing and Ian Simmonds presentation in IBM Knowledge Management Conference 2002.
September 2001 "Scale, Scope, Speed"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation at IBM Advanced Business Institute.
June 2001 "Building an Adaptive Business Strategy"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
David Ing presentation for IBM Net Generation Business.
October 2000 "A Dance of Creation and Dissemination: Changing Perspectives on Business System Design and Language within and across Communities of Practice"
[view abstract and article]
Ian Simmonds and David Ing IBM Research report.
July 2000 "The Case for Adaptiveness in e-Business: Innovation Adoption, Economic Scope, and Value Capture Through the Strategy of Sense-and-Respond"
[view abstract, slides and article]
David Ing and Ian Simmonds article in conference proceedings for 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences.
July 2000 "Making Accountability Visible Using IT: From Command-and-Control to Bounded, Empowered Coordination"
[view abstract and article]
Ian Simmonds and David Ing article in conference proceedings for 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences.
May 2000 "Managing by Wire, Revisited"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing and Ian Simmonds IBM Advanced Business Institute White Paper.
May 2000 "Communities and Conversation Support: Rethinking the Design of Organizations and Information Systems, Learning from Pattern Languages"
[view abstract and presentation slides]
Ian Simmonds and David Ing IBM Research report.
March 2000 "A Shearing Layers Approach to Information Systems Development"
[view abstract and article]
Ian Simmonds and David Ing IBM Research report.
October 1999 "A Layered Context Perspective on the Design of Enterprises and Information Systems"
[view abstract]
Ian Simmonds and David Ing book chapter
June 1999 "Designing Natural Tension into the Design of Adaptive Enterprises -- 'Context and Coordination' in the Sense & Respond Organization"
[view abstract, article and presentation]
David Ing and Ian Simmonds article in conference proceedings for 43th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences
June 1999 "The Nature and Purpose of Virtual Communities"
[view abstract and article]
Joe Arteaga and David Ing article in conference proceedings for 43th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the System Sciences
May 1999 "Studying the Sense & Respond Model for Designing Adaptive Enterprises, and the Influence of Russell Ackoff's System of Thinking"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing article in conference proceedings at Villanova University
August 1998 "Separating Context and Coordination: Lessons from design wisdom and social theory leading to adaptivity and adaptability through shearing layers"
[view abstract and article]
David Ing IBM Research report
January 1994 "Point-of-Sale Data in Consumer Goods Marketing: Transforming the Art of Marketing into the Science of Marketing"
[view abstract and chapter draft]
David Ing and Andrew A. Mitchell book chapter
January 1994 "The Evolution of Decision Support Systems in Consumer Goods Marketing"
[view abstract and chapter draft]
David Ing book chapter

Pre-2005 content is available at the Systemic Business Publications page.
