David Ing
Course Description
This course covers an introduction to an emerging field called service science. Service science brings together multiple disciplines (computer science, marketing, operations research, information systems, engineering, etc.) to study service systems. Service systems are complex systems that vary in scope (from people to businesses, organizations, governments, and nations) and involve people, information, organizations, and technology adapting dynamically and connecting internally and externally to other service systems through value propositions. In all types of service systems (government services, service enterprises, and non-profit service organizations), value is realized through interactions with other service systems. Technology is often used to support and enable these interactions. A motivation for the emergence of service science is the fact that the service sector is the fastest growing in most economies yet it lacks strong conceptual foundations. Most iSchool graduates will work in a service environment whether in the government, academia, public institutions, or service enterprises. Even manufacturing and commodity based entities have significant service components as well. This course is intended to help prepare students for successful careers in the information professions where much of the work is service based. The course is designed to build an understanding of the main theories and concepts of service science and to help students apply those theories to better understand, design, and innovate within service systems.
Week 8: Service Design Techniques
- Glushko, R. J. & Tabas, L. (2008). Bridging the 'Front Stage' and 'Back Stage' in Service System Design. Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan. 2008
- Patricio, L., Fisk, R. P., Falcao e Cunha, J. (2008). Designing Multi-Interface Service Experiences – The Service Experience Blueprint. Journal of Service Research, 10(4), 318-334.
- Bitner, M. J., Ostrom, A. & Morgan, F. (2008). Service blueprinting: A practical technique for service innovation. California Management Review, 50, 66-94.
Guest Lecturers: Nancy Isozaki, Director, Corporate Information Policy, Corporate Information Management Services, City Clerk's Office, City of Toronto and David Ing, Visiting Scholar, Aalto University Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and Past-president, International Society for the Systems Sciences. Nancy and David will jointly present Service Frameworks and Cities. David will discuss frameworks for city services from the consulting perspective and Nancy will describe challenges in implementation of service systems within cities
David Ing, "Roadmaps for service systems (re-)design: Industry Business Value Assessments (2008, 2010)", INF2306H Introduction to Service Science , Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, March 5, 2013.
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