
David Ing


Is your social innovation work responding to systems changes… or is it leading to systems changes? Join us for a discussion on how the timing of changes can work for, rather than against, our social impact work. In our next Lunch and Learn, CSI Members David Ing and Kelly Okamura will introduce us to new ways of thinking about organizational systems, paying particular attention to the rhythms, texture, and pacing that make a difference

David and Kelly will also address:

  1. Which differences make a difference? Which rhythms are normal, and which are shifts?
  2. What influences advance or block the rhythmic shifts of your social innovation?
  3. Where can the pacing of systems changes, as faster or slower, favour your social innovation?

About Systems Changes Learning Circle:

The Systems Changes Dialogues on Social Innovation are mentored by members of the Systems Changes Learning Circle. The Circle was founded at CSI and OCADU in 2019, on a 10-year journey towards rethinking systems. The mentors are David Ing, Dan Eng, Kelly Okamura and Jenya Nee. There will be a monthly peer-to-peer mutual learning group at CSI, with the first meeting convening in-person at 192 Spadina on Wednesday, March 20 at 4:00pm. A poll on online vs. in-person meetings will determine future scheduling.


David Ing, “Systems Changes Dialogues on Social Innovation” Centre for Social Innovation, March 18, 2024,


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2024/03 Systems Changes Dialogues on Social Innovation