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- 2025/03 Pacing Changes: Elevating the when+where in living systems
- 2025/02 Rethinking Work, with the Pandemic Disruption: Metatheorizing with world hypotheses and systems changes
- 2025/01/20 Systems Approaches
- 2025/01/08 Generative AI and Inquiring Systems: Ways of Patterning and Ways of Knowing
- 2024/08 Reifying Socio-Technical and Socio-Ecological Perspectives for Systems Changes
- 2024/06 Resequencing Systems Thinking, at Year 6 of 10
- 2024/05 Resequencing Systems Thinking
- 2024/04 Yinyang and Daojia into Systems Thinking through Changes
- 2024/04 Incremental Adaptation or Generational Shift?
- 2024/03 Systems Changes Dialogues on Social Innovation
- 2024/03 From Unfreezing-Refreezing, to Systems Changes Learning
- 2024/01 Reframing Systems Thinking for Systems Changes: Sciencing and Philosophizing from Pragmatism towards Processes as Rhythms
- 2023/09 Appreciating systems changes via multiparadigm inquiry: Architectural design, ecological anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine and systems rhythms
- 2023/07/10 Sciencing and Philosophizing on Threads in Systems Thinking: Tracing through the texture of the socio-technical and socio-ecological perspectives
- 2023/02 Systems Changes Learning: Recasting and reifying rhythmic shifts for doing, alongside thinking and making
- 2023/01 Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms
- 2022/10/10 Reifying Systems Thinking towards Changes: Rhythmic Shifts, (Con)Texture, and Propensity amongst Living Systems
- 2022/10/10 Knowing Better via Systems Thinking: Traditions and Contemporary Approaches
- 2022/07/11 When Unfreeze-Move-Refreeze Isn’t Working: Doing, Thinking, and Making via Systems Changes Learning
- 2022/07/08 Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms
- 2022/07 Systems Changes Learning: Recasting and reifying rhythmic shifts for doing, alongside thinking and making
- 2022/03/04 Systems Thinking through Changes
- 2022/01/10 Living, Becoming, Process Philosophy: Systems Thinking in Time
- 2021/11/07 Progress on Systems Changes Learning: Coevolving towards Rethinking Systems Thinking
- 2021/11/05 Friends or Foes: Theory of Change, Systemic Design (Thinking), Systems Changes Learning
- 2021/08/09 Normal Accidents, High Reliability, Wicked Messes
- 2020/10/19 Theoretical Grounds, Pragmatic Grounds: Methods for Reordering our Priorities through Systems Changes Learning
- 2020/03/04 How do Systems Changes become natural practice?
- 2020/02/25 Conversation guide to Gareth Morgan (2006) Images of Organization
- 2020/02/05 Whom, when + where do Systems Changes situate?
- 2020/01/29 Why (Intervene in) Systems Changes?
- 2020/01/15 Are Systems Changes Different from System + Change? Recasting and reifying systems thinking with theory of change
- 2019/12 Ecology and Economy: Systems Changes Ahead?
- 2019/03/15 Systems Changes: Cultures and families over time
- 2019/03/07 Systems Changes: Errors and Breakdowns; Approaches; Learning
- 2019/02/11 Systems Changes: Learning from the Christopher Alexander Legacy
- 2019/01/14 Systems Changes: A Call for Participation
- 2018/11 Systemic design agendas in education and design research
- 2018/10/27 Narrating Wholeness: Pattern Language Generating Semi-Lattice(s), System(s), and/or Holon(s)
- 2018/10/24 Representing Generative Wholeness with Pattern Language: A focus session at PLoP 2018
- 2018/07/11 A Systems Approach on Social Enterprise
- 2018/04/21 Innovation Learning for Sustainability
- 2018/03/09 Evolving Pattern Language towards an Affordance Language
- 2018/03/07 Architecting for Wicked Messes
- 2018/02/22 Wicked problems, IBIS, and a timeline of parallel systems thinking
- 2018/02/21 Book Launch: Open Innovation Learning
- 2018/01/10 Systems Thinking, Systems Design -- Course Introduction
- 2018/01 Negotiating Order with Generative Pattern Language: Retrospective on a PLoP 2017 workshop and discussion
- 2017/12/02 Systems Thinking, Service Systems, Affordance Pattern Language
- 2017/11/24 Wicked problems, affordances, service systems
- 2017/11/20 Systems Thinking and Wicked Problems
- 2017/10/23 Negotiating Order with Generative Pattern Language: A workshop
- 2017/10/21 Exploring the Context of Pattern Languages: A dialogue on the world around Christopher Alexander
- 2017/10/20 Wicked problems, systems approach, pattern language, ecological epistemology, hierarchy theory, interactive value: Multiparadigm inquiry generating service systems thinking
- 2017/08/10 Open Innovation Learning and Open Data
- 2017/03/08 Service Systems Thinking: Reflecting on acts of representation
- 2017/02 Some Future Paths for Design Professionals: DesignX and Systemic Design
- 2016/12/02 Service Systems Thinking with Generative Pattern Language
- 2016/10/28 Pattern Manual for Service Systems Thinking
- 2016/10/15 Curriculum Making for Trito Learning: Wayfaring along a meshwork of systems thinking
- 2016/03/16 Service Systems and the Systems Sciences
- 2016/03/13 Prospects for Service Systems: From Smarter to Cognitive
- 2016/02/10 Systems Coevolving: Sciences, Service, Smarter, Cognitive
- 2016/02 Systemic Thinking 2
- 2015/10/08 Systems Thinking: A journey, and some prospects
- 2015/10/02 Service Systems Thinking: An introduction
- 2015/07/03 Service Systems Thinking: From Environmental Structure to a New Generative Pattern Language
- 2015/02/28 Unfolding values in places, spaces and paces: Service systems thinking and architectural theory
- 2015/01 From Environmental Structure to Service Systems Thinking: Wholeness with Centers Described with a Generative Pattern Language
- 2014/12 Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking
- 2014/10 An Invitation to Service Systems Thinking: Collaborating on a New Generative Pattern Language
- 2014/09 From Environmental Structure to Service Systems Thinking: Wholeness with Centers Described with a Generative Pattern Language
- 2014/07/30 Incubating Service Systems Thinking: New frames for collaborating on a pattern language for service systems (slides and video)
- 2014/06/28 Incubating Service Systems Thinking: New frames for collaborating on a pattern language for service systems (workshop)
- 2014/05/31 Scenario-Buffered Design
- 2014/04/17 Systems Thinking and Social Relations
- 2014/01/26 A Proposal for Collaboration on a Pattern Language for Service Systems (Science, Management, Engineering and Design)
- 2013/12 Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking
- 2013/11 Editorial: Service Systems, Natural Systems -- Sciences in Synthesis
- 2013/11 Service Science: Reframing Progress with Universities
- 2013/10 Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and Coevolving with the World
- 2013/10 Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking
- 2003/07 Governance and the Practice of Management in Long-Term Inter-Organizational Relations
- 2013/06 Open Source with Private Source: Case Studies
- 2013/03/04 Roadmaps for service systems (re-)design: Industry Business Value Assessments (2008, 2010)
- 2012/11/28 Reconciling Perspectives in Futures Research and Systems Thinking
- 2012/11/15 Open source, private source: foundations
- 2012/10/11 Service Systems, Natural Systems: Systems Approaches to Urban Issues
- 2012/10/11 The Municipal Reference Model: Government by Design
- 2012/09 Revisiting the Socio-ecological, Social-technical and Socio-psychological Perspectives
- 2012/07/24 Is That Affordance Essential? Pathology in service systems and redesigns for sustainability
- 2012/07/16 Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and coevolving with the world
- 2012/01/11 The Meta-design of Dialogues as Inquiring Systems
- 2011/07/22 ISSS Incoming Presidential Address
- 2011/07 Systems Thinking Courses in the Master's Programme on Creative Sustainability at Aalto University: Reflections on Design and Delivery of the 2010-2011 Sessions
- 2011/06 Systems Science and Systems Engineering Synergies
- 2011/03 Natural systems, service systems: Scientific perspectives on redesigning social-ecological systems
- 2011/02 Systemic Thinking for Planners and Designers
- 2010/11 The Systems Sciences and Systems Engineering
- 2010/10 Systemic Thinking of Sustainable Communities
- 2010/10 Panel on Service Systems and Systems Sciences in the Twenty-First Century
- 2010/08 The Science of Service Systems, IFSR Conversation in Pernegg
- 2010/07 Service Systems and Systems Sciences in the 21st Century (INCOSE International Symposium)
- 2010/03 Service Systems in Changing Paradigms: An Inquiry through the Systems Sciences
- 2010/02/15 The Emerging Science of Service Systems
- 2009/09/10 Dynamics of Service Businesses
- 2009/09/02 Conversations on an Emerging Science of Service Systems
- 2009/07 Envisioning Innovation in Service Systems: Induction, Abduction and Deduction
- 2009/01 The Trajectory of Systems Research and Practice, IFSR Conversation at Fuschl
- 2008/10 SSMED and SOA: Service Science, Management, Engineering and Design and Service Oriented Architecture
- 2008/09 Offerings as Commitments and Context: Service Systems from a Language Action Perspective
- 2008/07 Business Models and Evolving Economic Paradigms: A Systems Science Approach
- 2007/11 Services Engineering and Management, Value Coproduction, and Situated Practices
- 2006/04 IFSR Conversation at Fuschl am See
- 2005/10 Negotiated Order and Network Form Organizations
- 2004/05 Plans, Organizational Identity, and Mediating Spaces in Inter-organizational Relations
- 2004/05 Negotiated Order in Organizations in the Network Form
- 2004/04 Being Social Systems: Awareness and Enactment; IFSR Conversation in Fuschl
- 2003/07 Governance and the Practice of Management in Long-Term Inter-Organizational Relations
- 2002/08 Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces: A Framework for Systemic Socio-Informatic Change
- 2002/07 Networking Your Knowledge Workers: Collaborative Communities of Mobile Business Professionals
- 2002/04 Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces
- 2001/09 Scale, Scope, Speed
- 2001/06 Building an Adaptive Business Strategy
- 2000/10 A Dance of Creation and Dissemination: Changing Perspectives on Business System Design and Language within and across Communities of Practice
- 2000/07 The Case for Adaptiveness in e-Business: Innovation Adoption, Economic Scope, and Value Capture Through the Strategy of Sense-and-Respond
- 2000/07 Making Accountability Visible Using IT: From Command-and-Control to Bounded, Empowered Coordination
- 2000/05 Managing by Wire, Revisited
- 2000/05 Communities and Conversation Support: Rethinking the Design of Organizations and Information Systems, Learning from Pattern Languages
- 2000/03 A Shearing Layers Approach to Information Systems Development
- 1999/10 A Layered Context Perspective on the Design of Enterprises and Information Systems
- 1999/06 Designing Natural Tension into the Design of Adaptive Enterprises -- 'Context and Coordination' in the Sense & Respond Organization
- 1999/06 The Nature and Purpose of Virtual Communities
- 1999/05 Studying the Sense & Respond Model for Designing Adaptive Enterprises, and the Influence of Russell Ackoff's System of Thinking
- 1998/08 Separating Context and Coordination: Lessons from design wisdom and social theory leading to adaptivity and adaptability through shearing layers
- 1994/01 Point-of-Sale Data in Consumer Goods Marketing: Transforming the Art of Marketing into the Science of Marketing
- 1994/01 The Evolution of Decision Support Systems in Consumer Goods Marketing