Services Engineering and Management Summer School, Helsinki University of Technology, August 28-September 2

This digest was created in real-timeduring the meeting, based on the speaker's presentation(s) and comments from the audience. The content should not be viewed as an official transcript of the meeting, but only as an interpretation by a single individual. Lapses, grammatical errors, and typing mistakes may not have been corrected. Questions about content should be directed to the originator. The digest has been made available for purposes of scholarship, posted on the Coevolving Innovations web site by David Ing.

Groupwork discussion

Industrial Services Track

What has the group learned during the week?

Focus on technology-oriented to a service-oriented world

  • Starting point: customer

Framework doesn't exist, first contribution to establish one

  • Definitions of products and service, or not clear?
  • Better approach to integrate both sides: Hard services (technology) and soft services (processes, human)

Further collaboration?

  • Let's meet in India


  • Send to
  • Write in academic style, use Harvard-style references
  • Do not use more than two levels of headings (heading 12pt bold, subheading 12pt)

KIBS Track

What have we learned?

Services as solutions, how should we separate them from services?

Innovation in services? Schumpeter is useful

Have seen perspectives, how do they relate to each other, and re-integrate them

Need a definition, and need some more clarity on service innovation

Role of the customer 

Gap between engineering perspective, and the professional practice.  Maybe service science will integrate this.

Products vs. services: boundaries

  • product, activities, services

Outsourcing of complete functions, vs. selective out-tasking

R&D in services: Schumpeterian

Services as systems

Collaborate in future?

  • Establishing a community of practice?
  • Set up Internet forum
  • Next meeting on October 27

Healthcare Services track

Didn't have structural discussion, more spontaneous


  • Broader view on service management
  • Ontology
  • Equity issues
  • Role of actors

How has the group's work contributed to the SEM framework?

  • Solutions
  • Relationship to relationship marketing
  • Needs, wants and demand
  • Solution to a problem, or a need?
  • Segmented needs, and segmented solutions
    • If forget about products and services, and started from businesses and offerings, then how else could we split?
    • Then solutions and component businesses
    • Solution-business-based management
    • Difference: risk
    • When we do the deal, can't know everything that it takes, have some idea of risk management


There's a lot of power in discussing service engineering, but there's a lot that is reductionist

  • Didn't like, but was impressed by the idea of solutioneering, which took the idea of engineering out

Service management is a limited function, and limited in innovation, might be more open in innovation

Service marketing

All things need to be put into context, and since we're in a technical university, no other approach is appropriate

  • European school of service engineering is rather traditional
  • The reason for the summer schools is that we weren't satisfied by it
  • Not just a new title to an old theme
  • It's very interdisciplinary, thus Service Engineering and Management, not just Service Engineering

Service Engineering as different

  • Ambiguity of services
  • Service management means something if talk about a services firm, that includes management of people
  • However, management of service process means that have to involve the client

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2006/09/02 14:25 Groupwork reports