Second Invited Workshop on Services Science, Management and Engineering (2009), Service Innovation Educational Program, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Ookayama campus)
This digest was created in real-time during the meeting, based on the speaker's presentation(s) and comments from the audience. The content should not be viewed as an official transcript of the meeting, but only as an interpretation by a single individual. Lapses, grammatical errors, and typing mistakes may not have been corrected. Questions about content should be directed to the originator. The digest has been made available for purposes of scholarship, posted on the Coevolving Innovation web site by David Ing.
Introduction by Kyoichi Jim Kijima
[Kyoichi Jim Kijima]
Service Systems Science
- Funding
Service Systems Science
- Not service in the narrow sense of only business, social value
Service system as co-experience
- Design
- Experience
- Evaluate
- Review and learn
Service as co-experienced, products as consumed
- Improving a service system
- Service is co-experienced
- From co-experience, have a shared internal model: Sometimes a discrepancy between the expectation and actual experience, so need to share
- Two types: co-elevation and co-creation
- Unless customer understands technology, sufficient understanding is necessary to enjoy the next step
- Higher expectation can drive higher quality service
- e.g. tagging rice with identity of the producer gives higher quality assurance
- e.g. commuter trains on time, punctuality
Co-creation on better outcomes and experiences
- e.g. rotating top of round table at Chinese restaurants in the 1930s to avoid long sleeves in kimonos
ICT can play a role
- in co-experience, e..g data mining customers' preferences
- in capabilities of provider and expectations of customer
- in co-creation, seeds and needs
e.g. co-creation by Street Snaps, fashion industry for the young, is co-creation and co-production by consumers
- Magazine takes snapshots of cool but ordinary customers on the streets,
- Show in a magazine on the web, can get information heights, etc.
- If like the fashion, can know the store or manufacturer, get access
- Contacting store, can buy it
- Fashion trend informations get fed back to shops and manufacturers
- Result is collaboration
- Coexperience: Sharing internal models with each other
- Co-evaluation: Spiral up of service quality
- Co-creation: Interaction between needs and seeds
9:55 Yuriko Sawatani, Global Technology outlook focused on Service Quality
ICT can help service quality
Issue of measurement
- Currently have SLA and CSAT, but both are fragile
- Gartner says quality is only about 3-sigma, whereas manufacturing can get to 9-sigma
Need more than 4-sigma to get to a zone of excellence
Looking at Toyota Way
Spider chart
Back stage and front stage
Long term KPIs to plan, short-term experiential
10:15 Marianne Kosits, Relationship Portfolio Overview
Ready-fire-aim versus ready-launch-steer
10:35 Jim Spohrer
Co-experience as service system interactions
- Co-experience keeping people involved
Shared model as co-definition
- Gaps, Bitner
Co-elevation will be liked by governments, improving human capital
- Service as entities interacting (not just people interacting)
Service as value co-creation, so it's the whole thing, i.e. co-everything (which would make Vargo and Lusch happy)
Co-evolution 1: Entities learning on internal resources where they have privileged access
Co-evolution 2: Ecology learning, external resources with different accesses
11:05 Self-introductions
Jim March: starting a profession the same time as starting the field
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